What to do if you are experiencing lasting financial difficulties?

Verified 30 June 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you are experiencing long-term financial difficulties, you can use a specific procedure to respond to this situation. This procedure (over-indebtedness or default) varies according to your status: individual or self-employed person individual business acting as a

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You can benefit from a over-indebtedness procedure if you are in any of the following situations:

  • You're French
  • You are a foreigner and you have your home in France

Individual business Self-employed (

If you are a farmer, craftsman, tradesman, professional or micro-entrepreneur (self-employed person) and that your company is in cessation of payments, you must enter:

  • the commercial court if you have a commercial or craft activity,
  • the court of law if you are engaged in a liberal or agricultural activity.

The court is going to open a judicial redress procedure or a bankruptcy proceedings.

The court deals with professional and personal debts (or assets). If your debts only concern your personal assets, the court will refer the case to the Debt Relief Commission, provided you agree.

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