Minor victim of sexual offense
Verified 07 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Filing of complaint by videoconference
One decree of 23 february 2024 provides for the possibility of filing a complaint by videoconference (called videocomplaint).
Currently, video complaint is possible only in the department of Sarthe. The ministry of the interior website introduces how to do the process.
The video complaint goes be progressively deployed in the rest of France.
Until then, the information on this card remains valid.
If you are a minor and a victim of sexual assault, you must get to safety and alert the police or gendarmerie as soon as possible. You can also get medical help or support by getting closer to someone you trust or a victim support structure. We explain what you can do as a result of the assault.
Sexual offenses punishable by law vary depending on the age at which you were victimized:
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You're under 15
The law punishes sexual violence as follows:
- Sexual proposal, whatever its content (of any kind), made via the Internet (on a cat, a social network,...)
- Minor bribery, where an adult imposes on a minor (possibly via the Internet) comments, acts, scenes or images that may lead him or her to adopt a degrading sexual attitude or behavior (e.g. having sexual relations in front of a minor)
- Sexual assault, which is a sexual act without penetration, committed by violence, coercion (against his will), threat or surprise (touching without having given his consent, that is to say unwanted or forced: a kiss, caresses,...)
- Sexual assault, which designates any behavior related to sexual activity (with or without penetration), adopted by a major against a minor, without there being violence, coercion, threat or surprise (inappropriate physical contact, obsessive exhilaration,...)
- Rape (act of sexual or oral penetration committed by violence, coercion, threat or surprise)
- Sextortion, which involves inciting a minor to transmit or disseminate images or videos in which he or she carries out pornographic acts
- Recourse to a minor who is engaged in prostitution
Moral coercion (i.e. pressure on a person's will) and surprise (i.e. taking a person unprepared) are presumed, i.e. automatically retained.
You are 15, 16 or 17 years old
The law punishes sexual violence as follows:
- Minor bribery, where an adult imposes (possibly via the Internet) on a minor, even over the age of 15, comments, acts, scenes or images that may cause him to adopt a degrading sexual attitude or behavior (for example, having sex in front of a minor)
- Sexual assault, which is a non-penetrative sexual act, committed by violence, coercion (against one's will), threats, or surprise (touching)
- Rape (act of sexual or oral penetration committed by violence, coercion, threat or surprise)
- Sextortion, which consists in inciting a minor to transmit or disseminate images or video in which he or she carries out pornographic acts
- Recourse to a minor who is engaged in prostitution
Step-by-step approach
If you feel unsafe or threatened, make sure you get to safety immediately. This may mean going to a trusted friend or family member.
You can get closer to one of the following:
- Parent
- Teacher
- School Counselor
- Health professional.
They can support you and help you take the necessary steps to ensure your safety.
If you can, it is recommended to go to the police station or to the gendarmerie as quickly as possible after the assault to allow investigators to make any findings necessary.
It is important to preserve all clues (fingerprints, DNA traces, etc.) which could be used to identify the perpetrator and to have him convicted in court. Keep clothes worn at the time of the assault and avoid washing.
It may be useful to retrieve the names and contact details of those who may have witnessed the attack.
It is possible to alert the police or gendarmerie by telephone call, by SMS if you are unable to speak or by instant messaging.
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By telephone
In case of emergency, when a quick intervention is necessary, you can call the emergency police.
To do this, you must dial the 17.
You can also contact the 112 (free 24/7 call).
You will then be directed to the right service according to your case. The 112 can be used in all European Union countries.
114 is the emergency call relay service if you are unable to speak on the phone (deaf, hard of hearing ...) or if it could put you in danger.
The 114 is free 24/7.
Contact possible via:
- Video telephony: I communicate in sign language
- Chat: I communicate in writing
- Voice / Return text: I speak and 114 responds to me in writing (or vice versa)
You can chat with a police officer or gendarme soldier via instant messaging (chat):
Report domestic, sexual, or gender-based violence
Chat history can be deleted from your computer, mobile phone or tablet at any time.
If you are a victim of a transit assault, you can contact an officer 24 hours a day, call 3117 or text 31177. You can also download the 3117 app. This helps you locate your location more quickly, and also facilitates the triggering of agents.
You can make a simple complaint. This allows you to report to the court (public prosecutor(judicial police officers) the facts of which you have been a victim.
You can do it alone or accompanied, on site or by mail.
On the spot
You have to go to a police station or a gendarme brigade of your choice.
You may not be refused the receipt of the complaint.
The complaint is then forwarded to the public prosecutor by the police or gendarmerie.
By mail
You can file a complaint with the public prosecutor.
A free-form letter should be sent to the court of law where the offense was committed or where the offender was domiciled.
The letter should specify the following:
- Your marital status and full contact information (address and telephone number)
- Detailed account of the facts, date and place of the offense
- Name of the alleged perpetrator if known (otherwise, the complaint will be filed against X)
- Names and addresses of any witnesses to the offense
- Description and provisional or definitive estimate of the damage
- Evidence: medical certificates, findings ...
You can send your complaint by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by simple letter or by letter followed.
You can also file your complaint directly at the courthouse.
Who shall I contact
In any case, a receipt is given to you as soon as the Public Prosecutor's Office has registered your complaint.
Your parents or representatives (guardian, curator, etc.) can also act on your behalf.
If you have been physically assaulted, it is important to see a health care professional as soon as possible for appropriate medical treatment and care. They may also collect forensic evidence that could be useful in a police investigation.
You can also get in touch with a therapist to talk about what just happened to you.
Who shall I contact
You can get closer to a juvenile social service or a sexual assault center. They are trained to help you, guide you in your steps and inform you about your rights.
There are several structures that can provide support for you as a victim of a sexual offense, including 116,006.
Who shall I contact
116 006 - Victim Assistance Number
Listen, inform and advise victims of crime and their families.
By telephone
Free call
Open 7 days a week from 9am to 7pm
The service can also be accessed by calling the +33 (0)1 80 52 33 76 (Normal pricing number).
By email
The site Victims' Journey guides you through each step.
Who shall I contact
If you want your complaint to be prosecuted and compensated, you must to bring you a civil party. But, since you are a minor, you must obligatory be represented by an adult. It may be
- parent or legal representatives (for example, guardian, guardian)
- or a entitled (e.g. grandparents)
- or a social worker (a professional who works in the field of social services such as child protection)
- or a ad hoc administrator. It is designated for this purpose by the court, when your interests are threatened by the attitude or impossibility of your parents to assume their obligations (withdrawal of parental authority for example) or guardians. In this case, you may have a lawyer appointed ex officio by the public prosecutor or the investigating judge if you have not chosen one.
If you are represented by an ad hoc administrator and you become an adult during the procedure, you will have to continue your action alone, because the administrator's assignment ends with your majority.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Mardi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Mercredi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Jeudi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Vendredi : de 13h00 à 16h15
- Service free
The informants who answer you are from the Department of Justice.
- Doctor
- Victims Bureau
Penalty for sexual abuse of a minor
Penalty for aggravated sexual abuse of a minor
Limitation periods for bringing proceedings
Criminal definition of rape and sexual assault
Penalties for rape
Sentences for other cases of sexual assault
Penalties for Internet sexual offers to a minor
Penalties for corruption of minors
Derogation from professional secrecy in the case of minors in danger
Penalties for failure to report a crime or misdemeanor
Procedure applicable to rape or sexual assault of a minor
Derogation from professional secrecy for child protection workers
Extension of limitation periods
Reporting to the administration
Online service
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice