What is the risk of an employee who does not comply with the safety instructions? 

Verified 03 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The employer must guarantee the health and safety of the employee. It lays down the safety instructions to be observed in the company. What if the employee does not follow these instructions? Can the employer sanction the employee? We're doing an update on the regulations.

The employer shall give safety instructions and conditions for the use of work equipment, means of protection, dangerous substances and preparations. In companies with 50 or more employees, the rules and regulations set these guidelines.

In all cases, these instructions shall take into account the risk assessment and the nature of the tasks to be performed.

They are intended to inform employees about the existence of risks to their health and safety and to enable them to adapt their behavior to prevent such risks.

Yes, failure to follow safety instructions is a mistake that can lead to disciplinary sanctions.

Rules and regulations For example, an employee who would come to work for a day without his safety shoes when they are made mandatory by the French company, could receive a warning.

Dismissal for serious misconduct could also be imposed on an employee who repeatedly refuses to wear his protective equipment when handling dangerous products.

The employee accident at work victim of, whose origin is his own fault, may lose all or part of his compensation by CPAM: titleContent.

Yeah. Yeah. Failure to comply with the employee's security obligations could also be penalized if his fault caused injury or death to others.