Modification of the insurance contract for motor vehicles or motorcycles

Verified 02 July 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The car insurance contract may be amended following a change of situation or at the initiative of the insurer.

Your situation has changed

You must notify your insurer of any change in your situation, if this change may affect the insured risk. The risk may be decreased or increased.

You must report these changes by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, especially if the change concerns one of the following:

  • Your family situation (marriage, divorce...)
  • Your professional situation (change of activity, retirement, etc.)
  • Your home

You can use the following template to write to the insurer:

Report a risk change to its insurer

Please note

you must notify its insurer by case of removal, even if the insured risk is not affected, to send you the letters to your new address, including notice of due dates.

You can also ask for the termination of your contract whether the change in its situation has an impact on the risk covered.

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Decreased risk

If the change results in a lower risk (you were using your vehicle for professional use and you retire, for example), you have 3 months to report this change to your insurer.

You can also ask for a reduction in the amount of your contribution. If the insurer refuses, you can terminate the contract. Termination takes effect 1 month after the request.

Increased risk

If the change results in an increased risk, whether you are the cause or not, you must report it within 15 days from the day you become aware of it.

The insurer may refuse to insure this new risk and terminate the contract, or propose an increase in the contribution.

If you agree, you will receive a agreeable or a new contract.

If you refuse or do not respond within 30 days, the contract may be terminated.

The insurer wants to change your contract

The insurer may propose a modification of the contract (for example, deletion or addition of a guarantee). You must give your consent before the amendment comes into force.

If you refuse, it must maintain the original warranty conditions.


any modification of an insurance contract must be subject to agreeable signed by the two parties.