Accompanied driving: what insurance for the accompanying person?

Verified 13 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you want to help a relative prepare the permit via one of the forms of accompanied driving (early learning, supervised or supervised driving), you need to check whether your insurance policy allows it.

If this is not the case, you must ask your insurer to grant you an extension of coverage.

You can apply to your insurer as soon as the new driver enrolls in the driving school, without waiting for the start of the accompanied driving phase.

This extension of the guarantee does not entail any additional cost.

If you accept this new risk, the insurer will modify your contract by writing a agreeable. The name of the driver accompanied will thus be mentioned in your car insurance contract.

The new driver will then be able to benefit from the guarantees provided for in the contract.

However, the insurer may refuse to give this guarantee if you have been convicted for certain offenses :

  • Homicide and Involuntary Injuries
  • Driving under the influence of an alcoholic state
  • Hit and Run
  • Refusal to comply with stop order
  • Driving during periods of suspension or cancelation of the driving license

The insurer may also refuse to insure the new apprentice driver if he considers his driving to be too high a risk. You will then have to find another insurer who agrees to cover it.

But, if you feel that the insurer's refusal is not justified, you can to refer the matter to the insurance ombudsman.

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