What are the different ways to get a B driver's license?
Verified 07 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
One computer graphics allows you to quickly view formulae for learning how to drive a category B vehicle.
For information accurate and detailed, you can consult the pages on these learning formulas : Early Learning (AAFC), traditional learning driving school or as a free candidate, driving framed and supervised driving.

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The infographic shows the different ways to obtain a category B driver's license.
1/Early learning (AAC) of driving from 15 years of age
You take training in driving school and drive with a loved one before taking the practical test.
You can take the practical test and obtain the B license from the age of 17.
2/Traditional driving training from the age of 16
You can train as a driving school or as a free candidate.
You can take the practical test and obtain the B license from the age of 17.
3/Supervised driving from the age of 16
You are trained in a national education road driving diploma and drive with a relative before passing the practical test.
You can take the practical test and obtain the B license from the age of 17.
4/Supervised driving from the age of 18
You take training in driving school and drive with a loved one before (re)taking the practical test.
You can take the practical test and obtain the B license from the age of 18.
Namely: supervised driving is also possible on a heavy vehicle from the age of 18 (categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE of the driving license).
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