Category B driver's license as a free applicant

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

You can pass the B-permit (car) in free candidate, without enrolling in a driving school. What's the minimum age? How do I register for the exam and have a NEPH number? How is driving learning? How do I book a place to take the practical test? We tell you the steps to follow to pass the B license as a free candidate.

Step-by-step approach


You must have 17 years or more to obtain license B.

However, you can register for the exam from the age of 16 yrs.

Have ASR or ASR

If you are under 21 and it is 1era category of license you pass, you must have the 2nd level road safety school certificate (ASSR2) or the Road Safety Certificate (RSC).

If you have lost your certificate, you can make a declaration of honor.

Citizenship - Nationality

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You're French

If you are under 25 years of age, you must be in compliance with the obligations of the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC).

You're European

If you are a Swiss, Andorran, Monegasque or national of the European Economic Area (EEA), you must have had your personal and/or professional ties for at least 6 months in France.

You're a foreigner

You must have lived in France for at least 6 months and have a valid residence permit.

Health status

If you have a health problem, you need to take a medical examination before applying for a driving license.

Learning booklet

You must have a apprenticeship book in paper or digital format.

During practical driving learning, you must have this learning booklet with you in the vehicle.

You can get a learning booklet from a driving school.

Registration for the code cost €30.

The rates for renting a vehicle equipped with dual control devices are free.

To obtain a driver's license, you need a license file number, the harmonized prefectural registration number or NEPH.

The demand is done online on the websiteANTS: titleContent.

The online service can be accessed through FranceConnect or with your identifiers ANTS: titleContent.

If you do not have ANTS credentials, it is proposed to create an account to have a personal space on the ANTS website.

Prepare the following documents, in photographic or digitized version :

  • If you are French, aged from 17 years to 25 years, individual certificate of participation in the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC), or individual exemption certificate, or national service status certificate, or provisional national service status certificate
  • If you are a foreigner, proof of regularity of the stay or, if you are exempt from a residence permit, proof of your presence in France for at least 6 months (payroll, rent receipt...)

Driver's license: register online for the exam (NEPH number assignment)

You must register at an accredited examination center to pass the code as a free candidate.

If you have obtained a license of another category there is under 5 years, you do not need to pass the code

Obligations of the accompanying person

The apprentice driver must be under the constant and direct supervision of an accompanying person while learning to drive.

The accompanying person must meet the following conditions :

  • Have had a B license for at least 5 years
  • Not to have been penalized, in the previous 5 years, by a cancelation or invalidation of the driving license
  • Not be paid for this task
  • Sign the accompanying person's charter
  • Ensure that the apprentice driver complies with safety rules, in particular speed limits

Learning vehicle

The vehicle shall be sure.

The vehicle shall be marked with the mentionLearning by a front and rear marking of the vehicle, or by roof panel.

The panel shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

The dimensions of the panel shall be at least 40 × 12 cm but not more than 50 × 15 cm.

Any other indication, in particular advertising, is prohibited.

The vehicle must have following equipment :

  • For the apprentice driver : inside mirror + left outside side mirror + right outside side mirror
  • For the accompanying person : interior mirror + mirror or equivalent lateral right-hand side mirror + dual control devices

Traffic rules

The apprentice driver must comply with the following rules :

  • Drive only in France
  • Do not drive on motorways before being sufficiently familiar with traffic and road safety rules. The apprentice driver must be able to drive at the maximum authorized speed without disturbing or surprising other users.
  • Do not drive in areas where driving is not permitted. Inquire at the city hall to know them.
  • Have on board the vehicle the apprenticeship book and the certificate of registration for the driving license (to be presented in the case of road checks).

No minimum training hours are required.


while waiting to receive the validation of your application for a driver's license, you can present the receipt for your application. The receipt is valid Two months.

PermitApr is a system of nominal reservation of places for the practical examination driver's license.

You must create an account directly on the booking app.

You need your harmonized prefectural registration number (NEPH). If necessary, the NEPH number request is made online on the ANTS website.

Once your account is created, you can make an appointment to take the driving license test:

  • Choose an examination center, date and time slot
  • Declare a relative who will accompany you on the day of the exam. That person must have the B-permit. She shall not to be a road education professional. The personal or family relationship with the relative must be established by a sworn certificate.

On the day of the exam, you must to provide a vehicle equipped with dual controls in accordance with the regulations.

Online reservation of a place to take the practical test of the driving license (RdvPermit)

One sight test can be realized.

In the event of an inconclusive test, the examiner shall inform the local department responsible for driving license examinations of: DDT: titleContent, DDTM: titleContent (road education office) or prefecture.

You then have to make an appointment to make a medical examination by an approved doctor.

The practical test shall evaluate the following points: :

  • Compliance with the provisions of the highway code
  • Vehicle knowledge and ability to detect major technical defects
  • Control and vehicle handling
  • Ability to ensure its own safety and that of other road users on any type of road
  • Ability to perceive and anticipate traffic hazards and act appropriately
  • Knowledge of basic first aid
  • Degree of autonomy in carrying out a journey
  • Ability to drive while respecting the environment and engaging in courteous and considerate behavior towards other users

The practical test lasts 32 minutes.

The practical test shall consist of the following: :

  • Driving phase of at least 25 minutes
  • Performing 2 different maneuvers (braking to stop with precision and one maneuver in reverse)
  • Verification of a technical component inside or outside the vehicle
  • Road safety issue
  • Question on basic first aid

To be received, you must obtain 20 or more points and do not make a eliminatory error.

For example, crossing a continuous line, left-hand traffic, failure to comply with a stop signal.

After the practical test, the inspector does not give you the result orally.

You can view the result online your review of the RdvPermit platform.

Your result is available as of day after examination.

If the result is favorable, you can download your Driver's License Examination Certificate (CRC).

This certificate, accompanied by an identity document, serves as a driving license during 4 months from the day of the examination.

In case of control of law enforcement, you can present the CPTC in hard copy or directly on a smartphone or tablet.

The CRC does not allow driving abroad.

Check the results of your driving license examination online


if you fail a driving test, you cannot take the next test before a period of 2 days (date to date).

1st permit

The application is made online on the website of theANTS: titleContent.

The online service can be accessed through FranceConnect or with your identifiers ANTS: titleContent.

If you do not have ANTS credentials, it is proposed to create an account to have a personal space on the ANTS website.

Prepare the following documents in a photographic or scanned version:

You must provide the following documents in a scanned version:

  • Documents relating to the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) if you are french, aged from 17 to 25 years old (unless you have already provided them at the time of registration for the license examination). These shall be the individual certificate of participation in the JDC, or the individual exemption certificate, or the national service status certificate, or the provisional national service status certificate
  • If you are a foreigner, proof of regularity of the stay or, if you are exempt from a residence permit, proof of your presence in France for at least 6 months (payroll, rent receipt...)

Steps to follow :

1/ Sign in or create an account ANTS: titleContent

2/ Click on "New request"

3/ Choose the reason for your request "I request the production of a driving license"

3/ Complete the entries and add the required supporting documents

4/ Confirm the approach

Online application for a driving license following the passing of an examination

Please note

if it's your 1er driver's license, this is a probationary permit. You must affix the sign "A" in the back of your vehicle

Adding category B to your license

If you already have a driving license (motorcycle license) A, A1, A2 or AM), you must have category B added on your license.

You can follow online the manufacture and sending of your driving license.

The online service is accessible via FranceConnect or with your credentials ANTS: titleContent , in French only.

If you do not have ANTS credentials, it is proposed to create an account to have a personal space on the ANTS website.

Once connected to your space ANTS: titleContent, you view your request in the dashboard.

Track the progress of your driving license application

The period of validity of a driving license (driving license) in format credit card is 15 years.

At the end of this period, the renewal is a simple administrative procedure : there is no driving test or medical examination to be taken.

So, even if your driving license is valid 15 years, your license category remains valid for life (unless individually restricted).

However, the period of validity of the title may be small for health reasons.

Driver's license: register online for the exam (NEPH number assignment)

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