Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC)

Verified 01 August 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are French and you are between 16 and 25 years old? You want to register for an exam (baccalaureate, driver's license...) and you are asked for a certificate of participation in Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC), but you don't know how to get it? Are you wondering about the progress of the JDC? We tell you everything you need to know.

The organization of the JDC is different, depending on whether you live in France or abroad.

In France

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General case

After completing your citizen census, you must participate in a JDC: titleContent.

You have the "mobility inclusion" card with the mention "disability"

After completing your citizen census, you can apply to be exempted from participating in the JDC: titleContent.

To do this, you must present your card mobility inclusion marked invalidity to CSNJ: titleContent closest.

If your application is accepted, you will receive a individual certificate of exemption from participation in the JDC.

You have a disability card

After completing your citizen census, you can apply to be exempted from participating in the JDC: titleContent.

To do this, you must present your disability card to the CSNJ: titleContent closest.

If your application is accepted, you will receive a individual certificate of exemption from participation in the JDC.

You're disabled

After completing your citizen census, you can apply to be exempted from participating in the JDC: titleContent.

To do this, you must provide either a medical certificate dated less than 3 months and describing your handicap, or a copy of the cerfa certificate no. 15695.

This document must be inserted in an envelope marked Medical Confidential. You must deposit this envelope in a 2e envelope. You must send this 2e envelope at CSNJ: titleContent closest.

If your application is accepted, you will receive:

  • Let's say one individual certificate of exemption from participation in the JDC
  • Or, in the case of temporary incapacity, provisional certificate providing for the postponement of your participation in the JDC

General case
Date and place of your JDC

You will receive a written summons indicating the date and place of your JDC: titleContent.

The summons arrives approximately 45 days before the date of your JDC.

The JDC takes place between the date of your citizen census and the date of your 18the birthday.

Transportation costs to JDC

Your summons to the JDC entitles you to:

  • Either to a return transport ticket, which is given to you during your JDC. This voucher can be used on the local public transport network (bus, coach, metro or tram).
  • Or a lump sum travel allowance.
    If you live in the metropolis, the compensation is €20 or €10, depending on whether or not the location of the JDC is located more than 20 km from your municipality. You receive this amount by check letter a few weeks after the JDC.
    If you live overseas, the allowance is equal to your transportation costs, up to a maximum of one maximum amount.
You become French between the ages of 18 and 25
Date and place of your JDC

You have to make your citizen census.

Within 3-9 months, you will receive a written notice of meeting with the date and location of your JDC: titleContent.

Transportation costs to JDC

Your summons to the JDC entitles you to:

  • Either to a return transport ticket, which is given to you during your JDC. This voucher can be used on the local public transport network (bus, coach, metro or tram).
  • Or a lump sum travel allowance.
    If you live in the metropolis, the compensation is €20 or €10, depending on whether or not the location of the JDC is located more than 20 km from your municipality. You receive this amount by check letter a few weeks after the JDC.
    If you live overseas, the allowance is equal to your transportation costs, up to a maximum of one maximum amount.

If you are an employee or an apprentice, you are entitled to a exceptional absence permit a day.

To do this, you must present your summons to your employer.


Your employer is prohibited from deducting this day from your leave or from your pay.

If the date or place of the JDC: titleContent is not suitable for you, you can ask your CSNJ: titleContent other dates or other locations.

Your written request must reach the CSNJ: titleContent within 15 days of the date on which you received your summons.

Since 1er August 2024, the JDC takes place over 1 half-day. It lasts 2 hours 45 minutes, as from the time of calling.

During your JDC: titleContent, you receive:

You also take tests to evaluate the fundamental learning of the French language.

At the end of the day dedicated to JDC: titleContent, you will be given a individual certificate of participation in the JDC.

This document certifies that you have participated in the JDC.

Depending on your age, to register for certain competitions and exams (BEP, Baccalaureate, driving license...), you must provide your JDC certificate.

No duplicate shall be issued.

If you lose or have your certificate stolen, or if it is damaged, you can request a certificate of administrative status to your CSNJ: titleContent.

You can make your request:

  • by email, with a scan of your identity card or passport (valid)
  • or by post, with a photocopy of your identity card or passport (valid).

Please note

From the age of 25, none certificate of administrative status is not delivered. Indeed, you no longer have to justify your situation concerning the JDC to register for an exam (driver's license, BEP...) or an administrative competition organized by the French public authority.

After the citizen census and as long as you are not 25 years old, you must inform your CSNJ: titleContent of any change in your situation:

  • Change of residence (moving). You should also report any absence from your usual home for more than 4 months.
  • Changing your family situation (for example, you are getting married or passing through, you have a child)
  • Change in work status (for example, from student to employee)

You can report your change of situation:

Via the Internet

You can make your statement on the online service My JDC.

To do this, you must first have created your personal account:


By mail

You must use the cerfa n°11718 form:

Declaration of change of situation at the National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ)

You must send this form to your CSNJ: titleContent.


After you've done your citizen census at age 16, you must participate in the JDC before the age of 25.


If you have the Mobility Inclusion Card with the mention "disability", or the Disability Card, or if you are disabled (subject to having a medical certificate), you can apply for permission not to participate in the JDC.

After completing your citizen census, you find yourself in one of these 3 situations:

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A "normal" JDC is organized

This is a day or half-day of theoretical training during which you attend lectures and films on the following topics:

You're summoned by the consulate. The summons is sent to you approximately 3 months before the date of your JDC: titleContent.

If you are unable to participate in the JDC on the date set, you must notify the consulate within 45 days of sending the summons.

At the end of your JDC, you receive a certificate of participation in the JDC.

An "adapted" JDC is organized, taking into account the local context

Due to geographical or political specificities, the consulate may be obliged to organize a JDC: titleContent "suitable". This JDC is in the form of an information document.

You will receive the backgrounder directly by mail, which lists useful links to the Department of National Defense website. You also receive your certificate of participation in the JDC.

During your stay in France, you can request to participate in a new JDC, if you wish. To do so, you will need to contact the CSNJ: titleContent of your place of residence in France.

No JDC is organized, given the local context

Where geographical or political circumstances prevent the Consulate from organizing a JDC: titleContent "normal" or a suitable JDC, you are then obliged to participate in a JDC in France, as soon as you come to reside there before the age of 25. To do so, you must contact the CSNJ: titleContent of your place of residence in France.

If you do not return to France before the age of 25, you will receive a certificate stating that you are in good standing with regard to the JDC. This certificate shall be valid for a period of time.

The individual certificate of participation allows you to prove that you have carried out the JDC: titleContent.

Depending on your age, to register for certain competitions and exams (BEP, Baccalaureate, driving license...), you must provide your JDC certificate.

No duplicate shall be issued.

In the event of loss, theft or damage to your certificate, you can request a certificate of administrative status to CSNJ: titleContent from Perpignan.

Please note

From the age of 25, none certificate of administrative status is not delivered. Indeed, you no longer have to justify your situation concerning the JDC to register for an exam (driver's license, BEP...) or an administrative competition organized by the French public authority.

After your citizen census and as long as you are not 25 years old, you must inform your National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ) of any change in your situation:

  • Change of domicile (any absence from habitual domicile for more than 4 months must also be reported)
  • Change in family situation
  • Change of employment status

You can file your change of situation report:

By email

You have to send it to Perpignan's CSNJ.

By mail

You must use the cerfa n°11718 form:

Declaration of change of situation at the National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ)

You have to send it to Perpignan's CSNJ.

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