Seasonal rental: how to ensure a furnished tourist?

Verified 11 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

There is no obligation to insure a piece of tourist furniture intended for seasonal rental.

The property owner can take out insurance himself, but he can also require you to take out insurance as a tenant. This obligation must then be provided for in the lease agreement. The owner can even specify what guarantees you will need to take out.

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The owner has taken out insurance

The landlord can take out insurance that covers you as a tenant or only insurance that covers him.

Insurance for the benefit of any tenant

The landlord can take out special guarantees for the benefit of any tenant. This is a so-called contract on whose behalf it will be. The landlord may also take on behalf of any tenant guarantees more restricted than the guarantees on whose behalf it will be.

On whose behalf it will be

In this case, you will be covered not only for any damage you may cause to the owner's home, but also for any damage you may cause to third parties. This way, the owner does not need to check that you have personal insurance.

More limited guarantees

These guarantees, called discontinuance of proceedings (or waiver of appeal), cover only damage caused by tenants to the owner's dwelling. They do not cover damage to people or neighboring buildings. Your civil liability remains with respect to third parties other than the owner. The owner can therefore require you in this case to take insurance that covers risks that are not covered by the waiver of recourse.

Insurance for own account

Special holiday responsibility

To cover the risks associated with renting the tourist furniture, the owner can take out special holiday liability insurance himself. They may decide to cover the cost of this insurance or charge you a portion.


if you are a homeowner and you take out insurance yourself, you should check whether your contract requires a minimum occupation each year. Indeed, certain guarantees (against theft in particular) can be canceled if the furniture is unoccupied for more than 90 consecutive days.

Tenant action against landlord

To cover the risks associated with a lack of maintenance of the building, the landlord can subscribe a guarantee of recourse of the tenants against the landlord. This insurance allows him to insure his civil liability if a lack of maintenance of the building is the cause of damage caused to a tenant.

The contract requires you to take out insurance

The contract for the rental of the furniture may require the tenant to have personal insurance for the duration of his stay.

Multi-risk housing

In many cases, you have a clause called in your multi-risk housing contract holiday guarantee. This clause is usually sufficient to guarantee the rental of the furnished tourist during your holidays.


you must verify that your contract contains this holiday guarantee and that there is no clause that limits the coverage area. For example, cover only France.

Specific insurance

If your home insurance contract does not have the holiday guarantee, you can take specific insurance from the insurer of your choice, for the period of rental of the furniture. You can also ask your insurer to add the holiday guarantee in your home insurance contract.