Period of professionalization in the State Civil Service (EPF)

Verified 22 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you a public official (civil servant or contract worker) and have a professional project? The period of professionalization can be a solution. It results in alternating between service (work) and training. In particular, it enables new functions to be performed. It shall take place at the request of the administration or the staff member. Its duration varies from 3 to 12 months. We're giving you the regulations to know.

A period of professionalization consists of alternate :

  • Work (service activity)
  • And training.

You have to make a distinction between whether you're a public servant or a contract worker.

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The purpose of the period of professionalization is to make it possible to carry out a professional project aimed at gaining access to a job:

  • Requiring new skills
  • Or corresponding to different professional activities.

It can also allow you, if you are in activity, to access another body or framework of uses of the same level and category.


The purpose of the professionalization period is to enable a professional project to be carried out within a State, territorial or hospital administration.

It also aims to gain access to employment:

  • Requiring new skills
  • Or corresponding to different professional activities.


The period of professionalization:

  • Is adapted to the specific job you are trying to achieve
  • May be in a different job than the previous assignment.

The period of professionalization may be requested:

  • By you
  • Or by your administration.

Your department head has 2 months for:

  • Accept your request
  • Or reject your request and give reasons for its refusal. He shall seek the opinion of the HEADING: titleContent.

Yeah. Yeah.

Alone 2% of the total number of staff of the department or center concerned may be admitted during periods of professionalization, unless otherwise decided by the administration to which the staff member belongs.

If the service counts less than 50 staff, acceptance of a period of professionalization may be postponed if another agent already benefits from it.

Training can take place in whole or in part out of service.

They can be tracked as part of the hours earned on your personal training account (PTA), after your written consent.

The period of professionalization lasts from 3 to 12 months.

You have to make a distinction between whether you're a public servant or a contract worker.

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The implementation of a period of professionalization results in an agreement between you and the administrations concerned.

This Convention defines:

  • Functions for which you are intended
  • Duration of the period of professionalization
  • Qualifications to be acquired
  • Planned training.


The agreement also specifies whether the period of professionalization is intended to allow you to access to a new corps or framework of jobs. It must then obtain the approval of the authority or authorities empowered to make the secondment and integration into the body or framework of the post of destination.


The implementation of a period of professionalization results in an agreement between you and the administrations concerned.

This Convention defines:

  • Functions for which you are intended
  • Duration of the period of professionalization
  • Qualifications to be acquired
  • Planned training.

If you are a public servant, you are in activity position in your original body.

Whether you are a public servant or a contractor, your remuneration is maintained.

You have to make a distinction between whether you're a public servant or a contract worker.

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If the purpose of the professionalization period is to give you access to another corps, an evaluation is carried out at the end of the period.

This assessment shall:

  • Aims to establish your suitability for the targeted position for your retraining or career transition in the targeted body
  • Based on a grid of criteria. This grid shall be established on the basis of the competences defined for the desired job in the interdepartmental register of government occupations or the inventory of departmental trades and on a detailed job card
  • Conducts an interview conducted by your supervisor in your host position.

If you are deemed fit, you are seconded to the host corps.

After 2 years of secondment, you can ask to be integrated in this body.


The period of professionalization offers you the opportunity to change jobs within your administration. If you have a CDI, you can also change your employer for retraining purposes.