Employee Assessment
Verified 04 August 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
As part of its management power, the employer can evaluate the work of its employees. When evaluation is implemented in the company, the methods used may take different forms (e.g. scoring system, rating grid). What is the purpose of the professional assessment interview? How is it set up? Can the employee refuse a job evaluation interview? We're doing an update on the regulations.
The job evaluation interview should not be confused with professional maintenance carried out as part of vocational training.
The job evaluation interview allows the employer toassess professional skills of the employee.
In principle, the assessment interview takes place every year, but the employer may provide for a different frequency (every 6 months, for example).
The appraisal interview is a time of exchange between the employer and the employee.
It makes it possible to take stock of the year (analysis of the missions carried out, possible difficulties for example), to set the objectives and the means to be implemented for the coming period.
In the exercise of its power of direction, the employer can set up assessment interviews, but that's not a requirement.
If the device is installed in the company, all employees must benefit from it.
However, the employer must inform and consult the ESC: titleContent front their implementation.
Please note
the setting up of assessment interviews may also be required by the collective agreement applicable to the company.
In this case, the employer must comply with the provisions laid down (mandatory evaluation interviews, frequency and content of these interviews, information of employees...).
After consulting the EESC, the employer must inform employees of the methods and techniques of professional evaluation used before their introduction.
Information for employees may be individual or collective (e.g. by display).
The assessment tools and methods chosen should only allow the assessment of the work done by the employee.
Evaluation criteria should be precise, objectives and verifiable. They must not be discriminatory, or generate stress at work.
Personal data may be collected as part of the employee's assessment, if the employee has been notified in advance.
If the personal data collected is recorded in a computer file, they are protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The employer must inform the employee of the date of his interview sufficiently early so that he can prepare this one. The summons may be oral, but it is preferable to summon the employee in writing.
During the interview, the information requested by the employer must have a direct link with the assessment of the employee's professional skills.
Please note
the employee may not be assisted by a staff representative during the interview.
No, the employee cannot refuse to submit to the evaluation interview.
The refusal of the employee may be sanctioned by the employer.
The employer shall prepare a report of the assessment interview. The results are confidential.
The employee can access the minutes of his or her interview.
He may request a full copy of his evaluation results.
No, the employee may refuse to sign it but the validity of the report is not questioned.
The employer can use the results of the employee's assessment to make certain decisions.
These decisions can be a salary increase, a professional development (promotion for example) but also a disciplinary sanction up to dismissal.
Yes, the employee can challenge his job evaluation interview.
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Vocational Skills Assessment
Ministry of Labor
National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms (Cnil)