Harassment in middle school and high school
Verified 03 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A student repeatedly experiences verbal, moral or physical abuse from one or more other students? He is then a victim of school harassment. This is an offense punishable by law. Here is the information you need to know to deal with a situation of school harassment.
A pupil is the victim of school harassment when he suffers from repeatedly, of violence verbal, moral or physical on the part of one or more other pupils.
These acts of violence are, for example, insults, mockery, bullying, rejection of a group, jostling, beatings, robbery.
School harassment can occur inside or outside of the school.
Academic harassment leads to deterioration of living conditions of the student. This includes anxiety, falling educational outcomes and depression.
The situation differs depending on whether you are a victim, a victim's parent or a witness to school harassment.
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You're a victim
You must notify an adult of your school. You can, for example, alert the head teacher, a teacher, a supervisor.
You also need to talk to your peers parents or someone in your family.
You can also get closer to a anti-harassment student ambassador in your school.
You can also contact the 3018, national number for victims of harassment.
This number allows you to report the problem of school harassment that you are experiencing. You will get advice and support to deal with the situation.
Who shall I contact
National harassment hotline
To ask your questions anonymously and confidentially about school harassment.
By telephone
Open 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm
Free and anonymous call
Victim's parent
You must contact the school board. You will be asked to describe in detail the harassment experienced by your child.
You can also contact the 3018, national number for victims of harassment.
This number allows you to report the problem of school harassment experienced by your child. You will get advice and support to deal with the situation.
Who shall I contact
National harassment hotline
To ask your questions anonymously and confidentially about school harassment.
By telephone
Open 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm
Free and anonymous call
Do not attempt to manage the problem yourself by contacting the perpetrator.
You must notify an adult of the school. He will then take charge of the victim's situation. You can, for example, alert the head teacher, a teacher, a supervisor.
You can also contact the 3018, national number for victims of harassment.
This number allows you to report the problem of school harassment that you are witnessing. You will get advice and support to deal with the situation.
Who shall I contact
National harassment hotline
To ask your questions anonymously and confidentially about school harassment.
By telephone
Open 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm
Free and anonymous call
The management of the school must respect a protocol of support.
Infographie - Protocol for dealing with harassment in the second degree

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1- Detection of the situation of school harassment
When the head of the establishment is informed of the existence of facts that may constitute harassment, he must discuss the situation with the harassment coordinator of the establishment.
The harassment coordinator of the college or high school is responsible for implementing the school harassment program (PHARE) in the establishment.
Interview with the victim
The head of the school must invite the pupil concerned to explain in detail the situation he or she is experiencing.
The objective is to identify the facts that may be considered harassment and to identify the perpetrators.
Safeguards put in place
Protective measures are immediately put in place for the victim:
- Identification of a referent adult (e.g. school staff, teacher) to interact regularly with the victim
- Increased vigilance by informing all staff of the situation
- Mobilization of colleagues close to the victim
Interview with the victim's parents
The victim’s parents are informed of the situation.
The management of the establishment informs them of the measures that will be put in place to deal with the problem.
They are involved in dealing with the situation and are informed of their rights.
2- Implementation of the harassment procedure
The school head and the harassment coordinator put in place different measures when a case of school harassment is found. This is the harassment procedure.
Reporting of harassment
The hotel manager reports the harassment situation on the app Establishment Facts. He shall specify the measures taken. This helps inform departmental and academic referees responsible for harassment.
Harassment referees are privileged interlocutors of families. They accompany them until the situation is resolved.
In the event of serious and persistent harassment, the head of the establishment must to report the facts to the public prosecutor.
Interview with perpetrators and witnesses of harassment
Witnesses, authors and their parents are received separately by the school management. The aim is to identify the problem of harassment precisely in order to put in place appropriate measures.
The management of the establishment must also make the author aware of the facts alleged against him and of their consequences for the victim.
Follow-up of the student who has been harassed
The head of the school inquires daily about the victim’s condition.
The head of the establishment can call on the health and social workers to support the student. They may also advise the family to seek outside help from their doctor or hospital.
The head of the school regularly informs the family of developments.
Follow-up and punishment of the perpetrator of harassment
The school head calls on school staff to observe the attitude of the bullying student. He regularly discusses the situation with the harassment coordinator and the educational team.
The head of the institution must open a disciplinary proceedings against the perpetrator. The Disciplinary Board may be convened.
Disciplinary action is taken according to the seriousness of the situation. Harasser risks arrestpermanent exclusion of the establishment.
The harasser may also be written off and assigned to another establishment. To do so, his behavior must constitute a risk to the safety or health of other pupils.
If the harassment continues, the head of the school can call on a departmental team to resolve the situation. National education psychologists and health workers are involved.
A harassment prevention program was being implemented in schools, colleges and high schools. That's the program LIGHTHOUSE.
The preventive measures to combat bullying in schools These include:
- Fill in a anonymous questionnaire by middle school students. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess, at least once a year, whether pupils may be subjected to school harassment. In case of identification of a situation at risk, the pupils of the class concerned may be subject to a re-individual self-assessment. This evaluation will be carried out, with the agreement of the parents, without anonymity.
- 10 hours of learning per year for schoolchildren dedicated to harassment prevention
- Training dealing with harassment situations of 5 personal resources (at least) per college. This resource team is responsible for implementing the harassment management protocol. More generally, all staff in colleges and high schools must be trained to combat bullying in schools.
- Training ofanti-harassment student ambassadors at the college
One national anti-harassment day is organized every year.
Students and their parents are also made aware of the existence of the 3018, national number for victims of harassment.
Who shall I contact
National harassment hotline
To ask your questions anonymously and confidentially about school harassment.
By telephone
Open 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm
Free and anonymous call
Yes, the victim can complain against the perpetrator. For this, she can be accompanied by her legal representative (parent, guardian, ad hoc administrator,...).
The victim, through his legal representative (parent, guardian, ad hoc administrator,...), can also to bring a civil action.
In any case, the victim has 6 yearsAfter the fact, to file a complaint.
The complaint can be filed in a police station or a gendarmerie. It can also be filed by mail.
On the spot
The victim can go to a police station or a gendarmerie brigade of his choice.
The police or gendarmerie refer the complaint to the public prosecutor.
By mail
The complaint must be filed with the public prosecutor.
The victim must mail it to the court of law of the place of the offense or of the domicile of the offender.
Who shall I contact
The mail shall specify the following:
- Civil status and full contact details of the victim (address and telephone number)
- Detailed account of the facts, date and place of the offense
- Name of the alleged perpetrator if the victim knows him (otherwise, the complaint will be filed against X)
- Name and address of any witnesses to the offense
- Description and provisional or definitive estimate of the damage
- Evidence Documents
- Whether the victim wishes to become a civil party
The victim can use the following mail template:
File a complaint with the public prosecutor
The complaint may be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by simple letter or by letter followed.
The complaint can also be filed directly at the court's reception.
In all cases, a receipt is given to the victim as soon as the Office of the Public Prosecutor has registered the complaint.
The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory for the lodging of a complaint and throughout the procedure until the trial before the correctional court.
The penalties differ depending on whether the perpetrator is a minor under 13, a minor over 13 or an adult.
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Author under 13 years of age
Miners of under 13 years Guilty of bullying cannot go to jail or pay a fine. They are at risk of penalties provided by specific arrangements.
Author under age 13
The penalties provided for depend on the seriousness of the consequences of the harassment on the person concerned:
- Where school harassment has not resulted in total incapacity for work (missed school days) or has resulted in total incapacity for work of less than 8 days, it shall be punishable by 1 and a half years imprisonment and €7,500 fine at the most.
- Where school harassment has resulted in a total incapacity for work of more than 8 days, the penalties shall be increased to 2 and a half years and €7,500 fine at the most.
- Where school harassment has led the person concerned to commit suicide or to attempt suicide, the penalties shall be increased to 5 years imprisonment and €7,500 fine at the most.
Major Author
The penalties provided for depend on the seriousness of the consequences of the harassment on the person concerned:
- Where school harassment has not resulted in total incapacity for work (missed school days) or has resulted in total incapacity for work of less than 8 days, it shall be punishable by 3 years imprisonment and €45,000 of fine.
- Where school harassment has resulted in a total incapacity for work of more than 8 days, the penalties shall be increased to 5 years and €75,000 of fine.
- Where school harassment has led the person concerned to commit suicide or to attempt suicide, the penalties shall be increased to 10 years imprisonment and €150,000 of fine.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
National harassment hotline
To ask your questions anonymously and confidentially about school harassment.
By telephone
Open 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm
Free and anonymous call
- School
Obligation to report to the prosecutor
Moral harassment
Right to education - general provisions
Responsibility of the authors' parents
Responsibility of the State
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education