How is a male labor adviser paid at the salary college?

Verified 31 January 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

An employee who is absent to perform his duties as a male labor counselor at the salary college shall be paid. Pay conditions vary depending on whether his absences take place during or outside his working hours.

During working hours

The employee may be absent from work to perform his duties as a labor counselor.

His salary is maintained under normal conditions.

The employer may not reduce the employee's remuneration (nor his various benefits, attendance, punctuality, seniority, etc.) because of these absences.

Outside working hours


The employee who exercises one of the activities related to his duties of prud'homal advisor receives an allowance for his vacations.

This allowance is €8.40 per hour.


any half hour started is due. It shall be allocated half an hourly vacation.


Each labor councilor shall record his or her working time in a record kept at the Registry of the prud'homme council on which he depends.

The allowance is paid monthly.

The number of hours that can be compensated is limited by ceilings, which vary according to the activity performed.

Case Studies

Tableau - Limit on the number of hours that may be compensated for the consideration of a case

Nature of the case studied

Conciliation and Guidance Office

Office of Judgment

Interim training

Pre-hearing and pre-hearing study

30 minutes

1 hour

30 minutes

Review of a post-hearing and pre-deliberation record

Not applicable

45 minutes

15 minutes

Please note

upon authorization by the president of the labor council, these limits may be exceeded depending on the number of files to be processed, their complexity or the research required.

Drafting of decisions and minutes

Tableau - Limit on compensable hours for writing decisions and minutes

Nature of the drafting

Compensable time

Conciliation minutes

30 minutes


5 hours


1 hour

Rereading and signing of a decision by the President of the Labor Party

15 minutes

Drafting of several related decisions

These are decisions which are bound by the identity of the parties, the subject matter or the cause of the dispute, and for which decisions have been drafted separately despite the link between them.

Tableau - Editorial hours compensable in case of multiple decisions linked to each other

Number of decisions to be drafted

Maximum number of hours compensable

2 to 25 decisions

3 hours

26 to 50 decisions

5 hours

51 to 100 decisions

7 hours

More than 100 decisions

9 hours + 3 overtime hours per 100 decisions

These compensable hours are in addition to the number of compensable hours in the original decision.

Preparatory meetings

Participation in preparatory meetings for general meetings shall be compensated up to a maximum of 3 meetings per year and a maximum total of 6 hours.

The employee shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in the performance of his labor duties.

Transport costs between the head office of the labor council and the usual place of residence or work shall be reimbursed if the following 2 conditions are met:

  • The charges cover a distance of more than 5 km
  • The costs shall not exceed the distance between the head office of the Labor Council and the municipality furthest from the jurisdiction of the Labor Council