Residential parking card

Verified 13 October 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The residential parking card allows you to park in some municipalities at a discounted rate near your home. It is valid for 1 or 3 years. This period shall be renewable. The menu is free in some municipalities. In the case of a change of vehicle or residence, you must reapply by submitting the same (updated) supporting documents as those of your original application.

The residential parking card allows parking at a discounted rate on streets open to residential parking near your home.

It is free in some municipalities.

This card can take the form of a paper or dematerialized (digital) card.

The approach to obtain the card differs according to your municipality.

General case

Your request must be made on the spot, directly with the road service of your town hall. However, some town halls offer to apply for a card on their website through an online service. Ask your local council for more information.

Who shall I contact

Your application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Carte grise in your vehicle (now certificate of registration) to your first and last name and to the address of your principal residence
  • Last review of the housing tax or last income tax notice
  • Proof of residence less than 3 months old (electricity, water, gas or telephone bill...)
In Paris


Your request can be made online from an online service:

Request for a residential parking card in Paris

You must scan the following documents:

  • Carte grise in your vehicle (now certificate of registration) to your first and last name and to the address of your principal residence
  • Last review of the housing tax or last income tax notice
  • Proof of residence less than 3 months old (electricity, water, gas or telephone bill...)

On the spot

You can make your request directly to the public parking section of the town hall. To do this, you must make an appointment with your city hall.

Who shall I contact

You must have the following documents:

  • Carte grise in your vehicle (now certificate of registration) to your first and last name and to the address of your principal residence
  • Last review of the housing tax or last income tax notice
  • Proof of residence less than 3 months old (electricity, water, gas or telephone bill...)

The card is free only in certain municipalities and for certain persons (for example, persons not subject to income tax).

When the card is paid, the price varies according to the nature of the vehicle (the price is higher for the most polluting vehicles).

To find out if you are concerned by the free card, you must contact your city hall.

Who shall I contact

The card (dematerialized or not) is valid for a period varying from 1 to 3 years depending on the municipality.

Renewal is not automatic. You must reapply in the same way as the original application, with the same (updated) supporting documents.

It is recommended that you apply for a renewal as soon as possible, for example 2 months before your card expires.

You have a dematerialized card

You do not receive a paper copy of your card.

Checks are carried out by querying a database from the registration number of your vehicle.

The areas concerned by residential parking are communicated to you at the time of obtaining the map.

These areas can also be found on your city hall's website.

However, it is recommended to check daily that parking is still allowed, as some bylaws may temporarily suspend it (for example, for road works).

Who shall I contact
You have a paper card

It must be slipped into the plastic case provided with the card and placed on the windshield of your vehicle (right side).

Payment tickets issued by the time stamp must be inserted in the 2e plastic case compartment, next to the parking card.

The areas concerned by residential parking are communicated to you at the time of obtaining the map.

These areas can also be found on your city hall's website.

However, it is recommended to check daily that parking is still allowed, as some bylaws may temporarily suspend it (for example, for road works).

Who shall I contact

You must reapply with the same (updated) supporting documents as your original application.