How to verify the publication in the OJ of an association creation?
Verified 25 October 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Once your statement it shall be published at the Registry of Associations, JOAFE: titleContent about Eight days later.
The Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) publishes the declarations to the JOAFE every tuesday.
When you receive the return receipt, you can consult the JOAFE.
You can download for free the proof of publication, which is called publication witness.
To do this, you must enter the receipt declaration number, composed of the number of the National Register of Associations (NAS) of type W + of 9 digits, in the corresponding field of the search engine.
View announcements from associations and foundations
The release cookie is issued to you in pdf format under conditions that guarantee its authenticity by electronic signature.
You must keep this document throughout the life of the association.
If you filed online and your association is therefore listed in the Your Association Account online services, you can keep the publication cookie in your electronic briefcase.