What is a furnished dwelling?

Verified 03 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

To be considered furnished, a rental unit with a residential lease (including a mobility lease) must have at least some furniture. We'll explain.

A furnished dwelling must include at least the following furniture:

  • Bedding with duvet or blanket
  • Shutters or curtains in the rooms
  • Cooking plates
  • Microwave oven or oven
  • Refrigerator
  • Freezer or freezer compartment of the refrigerator with a maximum temperature of -6°
  • Sufficient dishes for occupants to eat
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Table
  • Seats
  • Storage shelves
  • Lighting Fixtures
  • Household maintenance equipment adapted to the characteristics of the housing (vacuum cleaner if there is carpet, broom and mop for tiles...).

In case of dispute, the tenant or owner (or real estate agency) must to file a summons with the protection litigation judge the court on which the dwelling depends. The judge may decide to reclassify the lease of a furnished dwelling into an empty dwelling lease, in case of non-compliance with this list of furniture.

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