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What documents can a Frenchman use to travel to the United Kingdom?
Verified 01 October 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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Less than 6 months
To travel to the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), you must present your passport valid at the border.
Only the French have a status (provisional or not) of resident(called Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status) in the United Kingdom will be able to continue to present their identity cards until 2025.
A simulator shows you the documents you can travel with in the UK:
Know the documents required to travel to Europe
if you are stopping at an international airport in the United Kingdom, it is recommended to check the documents required by your country of destination. If necessary, you will need to make a visa application.
More than 6 months
In case of a stay of more than 6 months in the United Kingdom, you must apply for a visa. This is mainly the case if you want to work, study or settle there.
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Traveling with one of his parents
A French miner who travels to the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), must have a passport valid.
Only French minors with a status (provisional or not) of resident (Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status) in the United Kingdom will be able to continue to present their identity cards until 2025.
Traveling alone or with another person
A French minor traveling to the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) must have with him:
- a valid passport
- and one authorization to leave the territory (AST) if he is not accompanied by his parents.
Only French minors with a status (provisional or not) of resident (Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status) in the United Kingdom will be able to continue to present their identity cards until 2025.
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs