Can a European adopt in France?

Verified 01 January 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, you can adopt in France if you are a citizen of a member country of the European Union (EU), but under certain conditions. European regulations are not uniform. Each country has its own rules. You must respect both the French law and the law of the adoptive and adopted country of origin.

To adopt in France, you are subject to the conditions laid down by the national law of your country if you adopt alone.

If you adopt as a couple, you are subject to your common national law or, if not, to the law of your common habitual residence on the day of adoption, or otherwise, the French law.


if you adopt as a couple (marriage, Civil partnerships or common law), the adoption cannot be pronounced if the national law of one of the two members of the couple prohibits it.

For a minor

If you adopt a foreigner child, you must check if the personal law of the adopted minor authorizes simple adoption or plenary adoption.

If the personal law of the minor child prohibits adoption, it is adoptable in France onlyint if it is born and resides in France.


the biological parents of the child shall consent to adoption if they are alive.

For a major

If you adopt a foreigner major, you must check whether the adopted person's personal law authorizes lSimple adoption or plenary adoption.


the adoptee must give his consent adoption before a notary establishing a authentic instrument. If he lives abroad, consent is obtained by a French diplomatic or consular agent.

If you adopt in France, the steps will depend on your type of request.

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You adopt a middle-aged child or the child of your spouse, Civil partnership partner or cohabiting partner

To adopt alone or in pairs a major, you must submit or address your request to the court of your residence.

That's also the case for adoption minor child or major of your spouse, Civil partnership partner or partner.

The use of a lawyer is mandatory if the adopted child was taken to your home after 15 years.

Who shall I contact

You are alone or in a relationship and you adopt a minor

Approval process

You need to get a approval prior to adoption of a ward of the state, of a child handed over to a body authorized for adoption.

This is also the case for a child foreigner.

You must file an adoption application with sServices of the Department of Child Welfare (ASE) of your place of residence

Who shall I contact
For a child foreigner

You must obligatory contact theAgence Française de l'Adoption (AFA) or an authorized body for adoption (OAA).

Who shall I contact
To bring proceedings before the Court of Justice

Your application must be filed or sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the court of your place of residence.

The use of a lawyer is mandatory if the adopted child was taken after 15 years of age.

Who shall I contact

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