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Transfer of an official
Verified 20 June 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A set of officials subject to the same set of rules, called special status, fixed by decree, and intended to occupy the same posts
Subdivision of a corps or framework of posts comprising officials with a view to holding the same posts
Objective and specific reasons, linked to the continuity of the operation of the service, which may justify the refusal by the administration of a right or benefit to a public official (part-time work, leave, etc.)
French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Wallis Islands and Futuna
Spouse, partner of Civil partnerships, cohabiting partner, parent or partner (so-called "family caregivers") or person residing or having close and stable ties, who assists the elderly person regularly or frequently, in a non-professional capacity, to perform all or part of the acts or activities of daily life
All the rules applicable to recruitment, promotion, promotion, remuneration, etc., to all officials who are members of the same body or framework of posts
The management guidelines determine the multi-annual strategy for managing human resources in each administration.
A person caring for a member of his or her entourage who is disabled or who is suffering a particularly serious loss of autonomy
Mutation is a form of mobility reserved for permanent officials. The transfer allows you to change jobs without changing jobs body or framework of uses, and without changing grade, or seniority. The mutation takes place within the same public service.
What applies to you ?
State Civil Service (EPF)
You can only transfer if you are a public servant incumbent.
As a public servant, you can perform the functions appropriate to your grade in the following departments:
- Central services, decentralized services and services under national jurisdiction of the department managing your body
- Public institutions under the supervision of the managing ministry of your body
- Services of another department (central services, decentralized services or services under national jurisdiction)
- Public establishments under the supervision of another ministry
- Services of independent administrative authorities
The public institutions concerned are:
- Public Administrative Establishments (EPA)
- Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institutions (EPSCP)
- Local public educational institutions (EPLE)
- Public industrial and commercial establishments (EPICs) provided that such establishments may employ civil servants
You can apply for a vacancy.
Job vacancies in the State civil service are advertised internally within the services and/or on the public service portal on a dedicated area called the Public Employment Place.
Place of public employment - Public sector job offers
Job offers can also be posted on private websites.
Some transfer requests may have priority
The administration shall make transfers of officials taking into account the needs of the service.
It shall have a power of assessment of individual situations, service requirements taking account of the interests of the service or of any other ground in the general interest.
To the fullest extent consistent with the proper functioning of the service, assignments shall take into account requests made by staff members and their family situation.
Priority for transfer shall be given to State officials in any of the following situations:
- Official separated from his/her spouse for professional reasons
- Official separated for professional reasons from his partner Civil partnerships: titleContent if he provides evidence that they are subject to the common income tax obligation
- Officials recognized as disabled
- Staff member with at least 5 years (at least 7 years for a police officer) of continuous service in a sensitive urban area
- An official who has demonstrated the center of his material and moral interests in a overseas collectivity or New Caledonia
- Official, including those of another administration, whose post is terminated and who cannot be reassigned to a post corresponding to his grade in his service
The administration may define additional criteria as part of its management guidelines.
These criteria must be made known to the staff.
In particular, the administration may give priority to the following officials:
- Staff member who has served for a minimum period in a geographical area with particular recruitment difficulties. In this case, the administration shall determine the area or areas concerned and the minimum length of service required to benefit from this priority
- Official caregiver
As part of its management guidelines, the administration may also define additional priority criteria in order to distinguish between transfer requests.
The administration may lay down minimum and maximum periods of occupation of certain posts, in particular to take account of the following factors:
- Particular recruitment difficulties
- Continuity of service and skill retention requirements
- Career diversification objectives
- Challenges in preventing the risks of professional wear and tear associated with the particular conditions for the exercise of certain functions
- Issues relating to the prevention of ethical risks
These minimum and maximum periods of use may be applied in certain geographical areas only.
These minimum and maximum periods of employment, the types of employment and the geographical areas concerned shall be fixed by ministerial decree.
The minimum and maximum periods required may not exceed 5 years.
However, for jobs in the State network abroad, the maximum duration may be less than 5 years.
The administration may decide not to respect the minimum or maximum period laid down, in the interests of the service or, in the case of the minimum period, to take account of an official's personal or family situation.
If you are in a job with a minimum or maximum duration, you can apply for support to carry out your mobility project.
Can your home administration refuse to allow you to mutilate?
When your transfer request has been accepted by your host administration, your home administration can only oppose your departure because of the operational requirements. Your home administration must demonstrate that your presence is essential to ensure the continuity of the service.
Your transfer is pronounced by your host administration.
It shall take effect no later than 3 months after the date of your request for transfer unless your home and host administrations agree on an earlier date.
If your home administration fails to reply within 2 months of the date of receipt of your request for transfer, this shall be deemed to have been accepted.
Your special status may provide for a period of notice exceeding three months, up to a maximum of six months.
Your special status may also provide for a minimum period of service with the administration to which you have been assigned for the 1re once after your appointment in your body.
How to request your transfer?
You must apply to your home administration for a transfer in accordance with the rules in force in your administration.
You must also apply for a transfer to your host administration.
A sample letter is available:
Request for transfer of an official
Your transfer order is issued by your host administration and your home administration issues a removal order.
The transfer may take place, within the same ministerial department, within the framework of a periodic table of mutation, i.e. within the of movement organized by the administration.
Bodies for which the administration draws up periodic tables of mutation shall be established by decree.
The administration shall make transfers of officials taking into account the needs of the service.
It shall have a power of assessment of individual situations, service requirements taking account of the interests of the service or of any other ground in the general interest.
To the fullest extent consistent with the proper functioning of the service, assignments shall take into account requests made by staff members and their family situation.
Priority for transfer shall be given to State officials in any of the following situations:
- Official separated from his/her spouse for professional reasons
- Official separated for professional reasons from his partner Civil partnerships: titleContent if he provides evidence that they are subject to the common income tax obligation
- Officials recognized as disabled
- Staff member with at least 5 years (at least 7 years for a police officer) of continuous service in a sensitive urban area
- An official who has demonstrated the center of his material and moral interests in a overseas collectivity or New Caledonia
- Official, including those of another administration, whose post is terminated and who cannot be reassigned to a post corresponding to his grade in his service
The special status of certain bodies may provide for other priority criteria.
Example :
The special status of school teachers provides that the following priority criteria are also taken into account:
- Request for reconciliation with the holder of joint parental authority of a child
- Staff assigned to a territory or an area with particular recruitment difficulties
- Agent assigned to job deleted due to school card change
- Repetition and seniority of the same transfer request
- Experience and career path of the official.
Finally, the administration may also define additional criteria as part of its management guidelines.
These criteria must be made known to the staff.
In particular, the administration may give priority to the following officials:
- Staff member who has served for a minimum period in a geographical area with particular recruitment difficulties. In this case, the administration shall determine the geographical area(s) concerned and the minimum length of service required to benefit from this priority,
- Official caregiver
As part of its management guidelines, the administration may also define additional priority criteria in order to distinguish between transfer requests.
Applications for transfer shall be classified on the basis of a scale made public.
The use of the scale was a preparatory measure and did not replace consideration of the individual situation of staff members.
The administration may also lay down minimum and maximum periods of occupation of certain posts, in particular to take account of the following factors:
- Particular recruitment difficulties
- Continuity of service and skill retention requirements
- Career diversification objectives
- Challenges in preventing the risks of professional wear and tear associated with the particular conditions for the exercise of certain functions
- Issues relating to the prevention of ethical risks
These minimum and maximum periods of use may be applied in certain geographical areas only.
These minimum and maximum periods of employment, the types of employment and the geographical areas concerned shall be fixed by ministerial decree.
The minimum and maximum periods required may not exceed 5 years.
However, for jobs in the State network abroad, the maximum duration may be less than 5 years.
The administration may decide not to respect the minimum or maximum period laid down, in the interests of the service or, in the case of the minimum period, to take account of an official's personal or family situation.
If you are in a job with a minimum or maximum duration, you can apply for support to carry out your mobility project.
Territorial (FPT)
You can only transfer if you are a public servant incumbent.
Internal mutation
The internal transfer is a change of assignment within the same community.
The internal transfer takes place at your request or at the initiative of the administration according to the interests of the service or any other reason of general interest.
External mutation
The external transfer is a change of community.
The external transfer takes place at your request.
How to find job offers?
Job offers for the territorial public service can be posted on the following sites:
- Websites of local and regional authorities
- Territorial Public Service Management Centers and the NPTFC Employment Portal
- Public employment
- Private websites
Some transfer requests may have priority
The administration shall make transfers of officials taking into account the needs of the service.
It shall have the power to assess individual situations and service requirements.
Requests for transfer by officials in one of the following situations shall be considered as a matter of priority:
- Official separated from his/her spouse for professional reasons
- Official separated for professional reasons from his partner Civil partnerships: titleContent
- Official caregiver
- Officials recognized as disabled
Can your home community refuse to have you mutilate?
In the event of a request for an external transfer, your home community can only oppose your request for a transfer because of the operational requirements.
Your home community must demonstrate that your presence is essential to the continuity of the service.
Your transfer is pronounced by the host territorial authority.
It takes effect no more than 3 months after the date of your request for transfer unless your home and host communities agree on an earlier date.
If your home community fails to respond within 2 months of receiving your request for transfer, this is deemed to be acceptance.
How to request your transfer?
You must apply for a transfer to your home community by enclosing a copy of the letter from your host community indicating that they are willing to recruit you.
You must also apply to your host community for a transfer.
A sample letter is available:
Request for transfer of an official
Your transfer order is issued by your host community and your home community issues a removal order.
if you transfer within 3 years of your tenure, your host community must pay compensation to your home community.
Hospital (FPH)
You can only transfer if you are a public servant incumbent.
Internal mutation
The internal transfer shall consist of a change of assignment within the same institution.
The internal transfer takes place at your request or at the initiative of the administration according to the interests of the service or any other reason of general interest.
External mutation
The external transfer consists of a change of establishment.
The external transfer takes place at your request.
How to find job offers?
Job offers for the hospital public service are posted on the following sites:
- Site of the Hospital Federation of France
- Public employment
- Private websites
Some transfer requests may have priority
If the operation of the service so permits, requests for transfer by officials in one of the following situations shall be considered as a matter of priority:
- Official separated from his/her spouse for professional reasons
- Official separated for professional reasons from his partner Civil partnerships: titleContent
- Official caregiver
- Officials recognized as disabled
Can your home institution refuse to allow you to mutilate?
In the event of an external transfer, your home institution can only oppose your request for a transfer because of the operational requirements.
Your home institution must demonstrate that your presence is essential to ensure the continuity of the service.
Your transfer is pronounced by your host institution.
It shall take effect no later than 3 months after the date of your request for transfer unless your home and host institutions agree on an earlier date.
If your home institution fails to reply within 2 months of receiving your request for transfer, this shall be deemed to be acceptance.
How to request your transfer?
You must submit a request for transfer to your home institution, together with a copy of the letter from your host institution stating that it wishes to recruit you,
In practice, you have to resign from your home institution and indicate your intention to transfer to another institution that is recruiting you.
A sample letter is available:
Articles L511-3
Document template
National Federation of Territorial Public Service Management Centers (FNCDG)
Hospital Federation of France
Ministry of Public Service