Employee's contributions

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Additional cases ?

For a Contractor

As a public servant, your remuneration is subject to contributions and salary contributions, including rates and plates vary.

The rules differ depending on the amount of your monthly income.

Less than €15,456

Tableau - Official's contributions: basis of calculation and rate




Basic pension (Civil and Military Pension Fund or CNRACL: titleContent)

Index Processing + New Index Enhancement (NBI)


Supplementary pension (RAFP: titleContent)

(Residence allowance + Family salary supplement (FTS) + Premiums and allowances + Benefits in kind) up to 20% of the amount of the gross index treatment


CSG: titleContent

98.25% x (Index salary + NBI + Residence allowance + SFT + Premiums and allowances + Benefits in kind)

9.2% (of which 2.4% not deductible from taxable income)

CRDS: titleContent

0.5% not deductible from taxable income

More than €15,456

Tableau - Official's contributions: basis of calculation and rate




Basic pension (Civil and Military Pension Fund or CNRACL: titleContent)

Index Processing + New Index Enhancement (NBI)


Supplementary pension (RAFP: titleContent)

Residence allowance + Family salary supplement (FTS) + Premiums and allowances + Benefits in kind up to 20% of the amount of the gross index treatment


CSG: titleContent

Index salary + NBI + Residence allowance + SFT + Premiums and allowances + Benefits in kind

9.2% (of which 2.4% not deductible from taxable income)

CRDS: titleContent

0.5% not deductible from taxable income