First name change

Verified 16 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want change first name ? We tell you the rules to know about the change of first name and the steps to follow to make the request.

Step-by-step approach

You can ask change first name.

You can also ask:

  • Adding a first name
  • The deletion a first name
  • Changing the order of your first names.

First name change request must have a legitimate interest.


  • Your first name or the junction between your first and last name is ridiculous or prejudicial to you
  • Other people (parents, siblings, employers, colleagues) call you by a first name other than your original first name.

The first name change request must not not be contrary to the best interests of the child or to rights of others to have their surnames protected.


the first name change request may be made separately or at the same time as another procedure. For example, acquisition of French nationality (francization), change in the indication of sex on civil status documents, rectification of a material error in a civil status record.


You're making the request for yourself.

Since 1er july 2022, a guardianship major may ask to change their first name without being represented by their guardian.


The request must be made by the legal representative of the child.

If the child has over 13 years, sound agreement is necessary.

In case joint exercise of parental authority, the request for a change of name must be made by the 2 parents, the child's legal representatives.

If the parents are separated and disagreeHowever, the parent who wishes to apply for the change of name must bring the matter before the family court judge.

The approach is free.


You must build a file with the application form and supporting documents.


Fill out the form cerfa no. 16233.

Proof of identity and residence

  • Original full copy of your birth certificate, less than 3 months old
  • Piece of equipmentidentity valid. You have to present the original.
  • Copy of a proof of domicile recent.
    If you are hosted by another person, proof of recent residence of the person hosting you + sworn certificate the person hosting you certifying the accommodation.

Elements concerning the merits of the application

Depending on your situation, you can provide the following documents (copies are sufficient):

  • Childhood or school
    For example, birth certificate, health booklet, family record book, diplomas.
  • Working life
    For example, employment contract, certification of co-workers (with identification), professional emails.
  • Administrative life
    For example, old or current identification documents, invoices, tax notices, proof of domicile.
  • Personal life (family, friends, leisure)
    For example, family certificates, certificate of registration for a leisure activity.

You can also reach medical certificates indicating the difficulties you encounter because of your first name.

Please note

this list is indicative. Depending on your situation, you can provide other documents.

Civil status documents to be updated following the change of first name

Depending on your situation, you must provide the original full copies the following acts:

  • Act of marriage
  • Act of birth of your spouse or civil partnership partner
  • Act of birth of each of your children.

A copy of your family record book can be requested.


You must build a file with the application form and supporting documents.


Fill out the form cerfa no. 16234.

The legal representative (or the legal representatives) of the minor must sign the form.

The form contains a topic about the consent of a minor over 13 years of age to the change of his first name. Minors over the age of 13 must sign the form.

Proof of the identity of the minor's legal representative

  • Piece of equipmentidentity valid legal representative(s) of the child. You must submit the original (or originals).
  • If necessary, proof that you are the legal representative of the minor (copy of the declaration of joint exercise of parental authority, judicial decision of simple adoption, judicial decision ruling on parental authority, full copy of the death certificate of a parent, deliberation of the family council, decision of the department's services...).

Proof of residence of the minor's legal representative

You must provide proof of domicile recent.

If you are hosted by another person, you must provide a recent proof of residence of the person hosting you + sworn certificate the person hosting you certifying the accommodation.

Proof of the minor's identity

Elements concerning the merits of the application

Depending on the child's situation, you can provide the following documents. Copies are enough.

  • Childhood or school
    For example, birth certificate, health booklet, family record book, diplomas.
  • Personal life (family, friends, leisure)
    For example, family certificates, certificate of registration for a leisure activity.

You can also reach medical certificates establishing the difficulties which the child encounters because of his or her first name.

Please note

this list is indicative. Depending on your situation, you can provide other documents.

Civil status documents to be updated following the change of first name

  • Act of birth of the child

A copy of your family record book can be requested.

You live in France

You're French

You must submit the application and the supporting documents to the town hall of your residence or to the town hall of your birthplace.

Who shall I contact

One receipt for filing the application it's given to you.

You're a foreigner

You must submit the application and the supporting documents to the town hall of your residence.

Who shall I contact

One receipt for filing the application it's given to you.

You are a refugee, stateless person or subsidiary protection beneficiary (Ofpra)

You must submit the application and the supporting documents to the town hall of your residence.

Who shall I contact

One receipt for filing the application it's given to you.

You live abroad

You must submit the application and the supporting documents at the competent consular post.

Visit the consulates and embassy of the country where you live to find out your constituency.

One receipt for filing the application it's given to you.

You will receive a copy of the decision regarding your name change.

Your civil registration records are updated.

Once the birth certificate has been updated, you must change your credentials (identity card, passport).

You have to do the walk in a three-month period from the time you update your birth certificate.

If the registrar feels that your request for a change of first name does not have a legitimate interest, he must contact the public prosecutor.

The registrar must inform you that he has contacted the public prosecutor.

The public prosecutor may accept or refuse your request for a change of name.

The decision is yours notified.

In case of a refusal decision, you can make a appeal to the family affairs judge.

The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.

First Name Change Request

Request to change the first name of a minor child

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