What should I do in the event of the death of a relative abroad?

Verified 24 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Step-by-step approach

In general, you have to address at the embassy or consulate to obtain assistance in your steps.

But if you learn of the death from a travel agency, media or other means, contact the ministry crisis centre of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Please note

if a contract has been signed, consider contacting the assistance organization or insurance company.

You can get help or counseling from the victim support hotline.

Who shall I contact

You must report the death to the local registrar, regardless of whether the relative was resident in the country or died while traveling.

One local death certificate is established.

Please note

in rare cases, it is possible to report the death directly to the embassy or consulate of France. Inquire with the consular authority.

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Algeria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Morocco, Monaco, Poland, Switzerland, Tunisia

You must contact the Central Civil Registry Service.

Who shall I contact

The reference to the deceased's death is then added to the deceased's French birth certificate.

The transcription is not mandatory. She's recommended to facilitate certain steps in France (succession, retirement pension, reversion, etc.).

As soon as the transcript is made, you can obtain copies of the death certificate.

Afterwards, you can request a copy of the death certificate at the embassy (or at the French consulate or directly at the central civil registration office in Nantes.

Request for Death Certificate (Overseas) - Free Service

Who shall I contact

Other country

You must contact theEmbassy or Consulate of France.

The reference to the deceased's death is then added to the deceased's French birth certificate.

The transcription is not mandatory. She's recommended to facilitate certain steps in France (succession, retirement pension, reversion, etc.).

As soon as the transcript is made, the French Embassy or Consulate will provide you with copies of the death certificate.

Afterwards, you can request a copy of the death certificate from the central civil registration office in Nantes.

Request for Death Certificate (Overseas) - Free Service

Who shall I contact

You can also obtain a copy of the death certificate from the embassy or consulate of France that transcribed the certificate.

For the funeral or repatriation of the deceased's body, you can request theassistance from the French Embassy or Consulate.

The Embassy or Consulate of France may provide you with the help following:

  • Information on the cost of local burial, incineration or repatriation to France
  • Indication of the contact details of local or French funeral businesses operating abroad
  • Assistance to local funeral directors in case of language problems

The French Embassy or Consulate shall also issue the authorization of transport of bodies or ashes, in case of repatriation.


Costs (repatriation of remains or ashes, burial on site, etc.) are at the expense of the family.

If you opt for a ash dispersal in the wild in FranceYes, you have to make the declaration.

The situation depends on where the deceased was born.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

The deceased was born in France

You must make a statement to the mayor's office the place of birth of the deceased.

A register shall indicate the identity of the deceased, the date and the place where the ash was dispersed.

Who shall I contact

The deceased was born abroad

You must file the declaration with the Central Civil Registry Service.

Who shall I contact

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