Application for a birth certificate: full copy or extract (birth abroad) - Free service (Online service)

Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Allows you to request a birth certificate of a person of French nationality born abroad or in a State that has become independent (e.g. Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco),

3 different documents can be issued:

  • Let's say one full copy (i.e. reproduction of the entire birth certificate)
  • Let's say one extracted with parentage
  • Let's say one unrelated extract

The approach is free.

You must

  • have (or create) an account
  • or log in with FranceConnect.

The time limit for issuing the birth certificate shall be approximately 20 days.

When the act is available, you will have to log in again to your personal space you will be able to download it in PDF format.

You can also request to receive the document by mail (in this case, the delay may vary depending on the time of delivery of the mail).

The document shall include the electronic signature of a registrar.

Go to the online procedure

Verified 28 April 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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