Designate a single manager in the case of NSF checks on attached or unattached accounts (Document Template)

To be sent to your bank by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

Specify your [first and last name, address and account number attached] .

TO [location] , on [date]

Subject: Appointment of a person responsible for payment incidents

[Madam, Sir,]

We are joint holders of the joint account referenced above.

Please note that, by mutual agreement and as permitted by Article L131-80 of the Monetary and Financial Code, we decide to designate one of us, i.e [surname and forename of the (designated person)] as the sole responsible person in the event of NSF check issues that occur on our joint account.

[Surname and first name] It will therefore be the only one prohibited from issuing checks on all its accounts if such an incident occurs.


[Signature of each joint account holder]

Verified 27 November 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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