Application for a development permit (Form 16297*03)
Ministry of city planning - Cerfa n° 16297*03
Permits development (e.g. digging or raising of the ground, subdivision, camping, parking area, amusement park, sports field or leisure).
In a municipality of more than 3,500 inhabitants, if you are a legal person, you must submit your applicationcity planning authorization only by electronic means using the following link:
Go to the online administrative form
To whom shall I send this form ?
Specific file to verify the compliance of establishments receiving from the public with the accessibility and safety rules :
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
Document to be attached to the development permit when several persons are involved in the same project :
Annex to the application for city planning authorization: Additional cadastral references
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative
Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.
Émetteur du formulaire administratif : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information
Verified 07 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)