Modèle de document

Application for Family Solidarity Leave in the Public Service (Model Document)

Continuous Leave

[First Name Last Name]

[Personal Address]

[Assignment Service]


[City] , on [date]

Attn. [appointing authority]

S/c [of the various intermediate hierarchical managers]

(Recommended letter with AR or hand delivery against discharge)

Subject: Request for family solidarity leave

[Lady] / [Sir] / [Quality] ,

I inform you of my intention to take a family solidarity leave, in order to assist [surname, forename, social security number, capacity (ascendant/descendant/brother/sister/person who shares the same home as the agent or who has designated him/her as a person of trust)] , which is at the end of its life.

Its social security fund is as follows: [skill]

I wish to take this leave as of [date] for a period of [duration up to 3 months] .

I also want to receive the daily support allowance for a person at the end of life, for a period of [indicate the number of payments desired, up to a limit of 21] .

(If several people share the daily allowance) I inform you that I will share the benefit of the daily allowance with [identity and status of any other beneficiary] .

Attached to this application is the doctor's certificate.

Please accept my distinguished greetings.


Split Leave

[First Name Last Name]

[Personal Address]

[Assignment Service]


[City] , on [date]

Attn. [appointing authority]

S/c [of the various intermediate hierarchical managers]

(Recommended letter with AR or hand delivery against discharge)

Subject: Request for family solidarity leave

[Lady] / [Sir] / [Quality] ,

I inform you of my intention to take a family solidarity leave, in order to assist [surname, first name, social security number, capacity (ascendant/descendant/brother/sister/person who shares the same home as the agent or who has designated him/her as a person of trust)] , which is at the end of its life.

Its social security fund is as follows: [skill]

I wish to take this leave as of [date] by periods of [days] consecutive days for a cumulative duration of [duration up to 6 months] according to the attached schedule.

I also want to receive the daily support allowance for a person at the end of life, for a period of [indicate the number of payments desired, up to a limit of 21] .

(If several people share the daily allowance) I inform you that I will share the benefit of the daily allowance with [identity and status of any other beneficiary] .

Attached to this application is the doctor's certificate.

Please accept my distinguished greetings.



[First Name Last Name]

[Personal Address]

[Assignment Service]


[City] , on [date]

Attn. [appointing authority]

S/c [of the various intermediate hierarchical managers]

(Recommended letter with AR or hand delivery against discharge)

Subject: Request for family solidarity leave

[Lady] / [Sir] / [Quality] ,

I inform you of my intention to take a family solidarity leave, in order to assist [surname, first name, social security number, capacity (ascendant/descendant/brother/sister/person who shares the same home as the agent or who has designated him/her as a person of trust)] , which is at the end of its life.

Its social security fund is as follows: [skill]

I wish to take this leave as of [date] as part-time at [specify the desired work quantity] the [indicate the desired part-time days] for a period of [duration up to 3 months] .

I also want to receive the daily support allowance for a person at the end of life, for a period of [indicate the number of payments desired, up to a limit of 42] .

(If several people share the daily allowance) I inform you that I will share the benefit of the daily allowance with [identity and status of any other beneficiary] .

Attached to this application is the doctor's certificate.

Please accept my distinguished greetings.


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