Démarche en ligne

Company Formalities Window (Online Service)

National Institute of Industrial Property (Inpi)

Since 1er January 2023, the formalities for creating, modifying and terminating activities must be carried out online on the company formalities office.

The use of this " one-stop shop ” dematerialized is now obligatory. It replaces the abolished company formality centers (TFCs).

The window concerns all companies, whatever their legal form or activity.

Who can use the single site?

The head of company (manager or micro-entrepreneur) can carry out the formalities online himself.

They can also ask an employee (called delegatee) to carry out the formalities on behalf of the company by drawing up a delegation.

It can also give this mission to any other person (called representative) by drawing up a contract of office. A model warrant is available on the website.

A copy of the delegation act or the mandate must be sent when the formality is carried out on the website.

How does the single site work?

The declarant (Head of company, representative or delegate) must set up a user account the first time it connects. This user account is staff.

Holders of an “e-procedures” account atInpi: titleContent can use this account to use the single site

In order to carry out his formality, the declarant shall enter online information and attaches dematerialized coins necessary. You can start a process and save it in a draft and finish it later.

The competent bodies (Insee, social and tax services, registries of commercial courts, consular chambers, etc.) process the information received.

The progress of the formalities is available at any time on the counter, from the personal space dashboard.

    Go to the online procedure

    Where can I get information

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    Émetteur de la démarche en ligne : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 28 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)