Démarche en ligne

Applying online for a new driving license in case of a change of marital status (Online service)

National Securities Agency (NSA)

Accessible with FranceConnect or with your identifiers ANTS: titleContent. If you don't have one, you are offered to create an account to have a personal space on the ANTS website.

This online service allows you to apply for a driving license in the event of a change in civil status.

Prepare the following to complete the process:

  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of domicile
  • Digital photo-signature. If you wish to send a photo ID in paper format, it is proposed to you, at the end of the process, to download and send the signature photo deposit form
  • Divorce judgment or justification for change of marital status
  • If necessary, medical opinion form cerfa no. 14880 (application for heavy group category, following surgery or if driving license is subject to medical opinion).

The procedure is free of charge, except for photo ID fees.

    Go to the online procedure

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    Verified 01 October 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)