Health coverage

Students: make your return healthy with ease!

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Since student social security was abolished in 2019, students no longer have to pay any fees and no affiliation process to carry out. Those who enroll for the first time in an institution of higher education remain attached to their previous health insurance scheme (general scheme, MSA...), usually that of their parents. Foreigners student in France, student abroad, you may however have steps to complete. What are the tips to get refunded?

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Image 1Crédits: © Samuel B. -

At 18, you become an “independent insured”. In the months following your birthday, your CPAM will send you a letter informing you that you are now entitled to care under your own social security number. It also invites you to create your own ameli account.

The reflexes to adopt to be well reimbursed

  • update your Vitale card in a pharmacy or in the health insurance fund on which you depend depending on where you live;
  • create your Ameli account (also available in app on Android or iOS), to track your refunds and make your health claims everywhere and at any time: download your certificate of rights, order a new Vitale card, request a European health insurance card;
  • mail his personal RIB to his cash register with his social security number or replace his parent's RIB with his own RIB on the Ameli account. Reimbursements of the Health Insurance are made by bank transfer. In case of a change of bank details, be sure to report it in your friendly account;
  • declare his/her attending physician;
  • to supplement the reimbursement of the Sickness Insurance, you can join a health (or mutual) supplement. You have the choice between a student mutual, your parents' mutual or any other complementary organization. If you have low resources, you can take advantage of the Complementary health solidarity which allows you to be reimbursed the additional part of your health expenses, that is to say, what is not reimbursed by the Health Insurance.


the new Instagram account “My health tips” answers in a playful and interactive way the health questions that a young person can ask himself. Subscribe to the My Health Tips Instagram Health Insurance.

Please note

to supplement the health insurance reimbursements, you can join a health supplement. Of aid to finance it is possible.

Cases where steps need to be taken

Are you a foreigners student who comes to France to start or continue your studies?

  • If you are a European, you are considered to be a temporary resident and must normally be insured under the health insurance scheme of your country of origin. If you work in France during your studies, you are covered by universal health coverage (Puma) and you don't have to do anything, the employer makes the statement. If you are European but do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), register on the
  • If you are of another nationality, you are covered by Universal Health Protection (Puma). You must apply for your French social security membership by registering at (available in English and Spanish, accompanying brochure in Mandarin and Arabic). In case of difficulties, you can call 36 46 (free service + cost of the call).
  • If you are an Andorran or Quebecois student, you are covered by the bilateral social security agreement signed by your country and France. Before your departure, ask your health insurance fund for the necessary form to hand it over to the CPAM of your place of residence in France.

You go to Europe to studyHowever, your health protection varies depending on the country you are visiting. Before your departure, ask for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Ask for information according to your situation to prepare your stay as well as possible.

You will study abroad (outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland),

your social protection varies depending on your host country. Some states, such as the United Kingdom, Quebec or Andorra, have signed a social security agreement with France to allow your care to be taken over either by the French Health Insurance or by the social security system of the state where your studies are taking place. Ask your health insurance fund or the Center for European and International Social Security Liaison (Cleiss).

You depend on someone you live with as a couple, which is not a student, you must use the form cerfa n°15680*01 to request the connection to this person.


Before going abroad to study, find out about the state of health in the country and check the medical expenses that may remain at your expense. In some countries, medical costs are very expensive. It is then recommended to subscribe to a specific assistance or insurance contract.

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