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University catering
Students: how to apply for the Crous meal at 1 €?
Publié le 12 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
In university restaurants managed by the Crous, meals are 1 € for scholarship students, but also for non-scholarship holders in a situation of precariousness. For the latter, it is now possible to apply to the Crous network to benefit from this preferential tariff during the academic year 2024-2025.
If you are a non-scholarship student, to be able to benefit from meals at 1 € in university restaurants, you must:
- go to site and click on “Apply”;
- log in to your MyServices account with your credentials (this is the platform used for Parcoursup);
- you are then asked for various personal information and proof of financial situation: resources (salaries, housing assistance, maintenance...) and expenses (rent, transport subscription, loan to repay...).
The social service of the Crous network then takes charge of studying your case. You have until January 2 of the academic year to apply. After this date, it will be necessary to make an appointment with the social service of your home country so that your situation can be examined. If you have trouble making your request online, you can contact the Crous via the form available on
New: the Crous network strengthens its accreditation policy near campuses that do not have a university restaurant allowing a structure (high school, hospital center, etc.) to offer a full meal at a social rate (€3.30 or €1 for students on scholarships or in financial precariousness). Nearly 200 approved catering establishments managed by local authorities, associations or private establishments (agreement with a Crous) offer students a balanced meal at a social rate. Forty new approvals are planned for the 2024-2025 season.
To find the closest university restaurant to your place of study, visit the menu of Crous restaurants.
How can you benefit if you are a scholar?
If you are a fellow:
- bring with you your (provisional or final) award notification received by email;
- create an account Izly ;
- You can then pay for your meal with your phone via the Izly app or by using your rechargeable student card.
If you already have an Izly account, no action is required: the scholarship student status is automatically taken into account in the Izly account upon receipt of the notification of final award of the scholarship.
Social or very social pricing
In the 2024-2025 academic year, the restaurant rates will be the same as last year. The Crous offers a two-price restaurant service:
- a so-called “social” fee of €3.30;
- a so-called “very social” fee of €1 for scholarship or non-scholarship students who are precarious.
Students may have a "6-point menu" at university restaurants for these rates. It is a full meal with a starter, a main course and a dessert. Several choices are available, with a vegetarian option.
In cafeterias, a "premium" package at €2.80 is also offered to students who are scholars or in a precarious situation, and at €5.10 for other students.
The law of 13 april 2023 to promote access for all students to a moderately priced catering offer, provides, in particular, individual financial assistance for students who do not have access to a university catering facility, to enable them to pay, in whole or in part, the price of a meal. The aid will be implemented over the next few months in the form of a dematerialized card that can be used in food shops.
Example :
Between September 2023 and June 2024, more than 23.8 million meals were served for €1 to student scholars or identified as precarious by the Crous.
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