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Assistance with the procedures
France services: local support in the administrative and daily procedures
Publié le 10 janvier 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Doing an online administrative procedure seems a perilous exercise? Finding the right person to seek advice and solve an administrative problem seems complex to you? Whether you live in urban or rural areas, less than 30 minutes from home, you can find help in a France services home or bus. The agents of the 2,500 France services welcome you, listen to you, inform you, guide you and accompany you.
“I prefer it when you do it.” This little phrase often echoes in houses or buses France services. Since paperless paperwork, renewing a passport, applying for financial assistance (RSA, APL, etc.), declaring taxes, preparing for retirement, etc., are not always simple actions for those who are far from the digital world. “Some users don’t have computers, others need to be reassured. In rural areas where mobility is more complicated, France services houses are the relays of administrations,” explains Jean-Michel Molina, departmental facilitator of the 32 France services located in Moselle.
Safe approaches
France services agents are at the side of both young and old people. carte grise “Our actions are diverse: we can create a France Connect address or account; make a request for a medical aid or medical aid of the State (AME); open an Ameli account to download an online attestation; set up a file to prepare his pension application; set up a request for legal aid... All the steps we take on behalf of users are secured via the network Connect Caregivers, a guarantee in case of error,” said Molina.
France services agents are there to listen to users, to accompany them in their steps and to put them in contact with the national partners in the event of a blockage: General Directorate of Public Finance (DDFIP), Pôle emploi, Caisse nationale des allocations famille (Caf), Sickness Insurance (CPAM), Pension Insurance (Carsat), Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior (ANTS). Each France services also has local partnerships, such as the Union départementale des Associations Familiales (Udaf). Meetings by videoconference or at the France services premises are organized. And if multiple meetings are needed, they are scheduled by the agent. When a legal problem is detected, an interview is scheduled with a court conciliator, lawyer, or notary, depending on the nature of the case. “Our agents are facilitators of access to law and digital inclusion. We do everything possible to ensure that users are aware of their rights and can assert them,” Molina said. In 2022, more than 57,000 users benefited from support in Moselle, and more than 10 million support services have been provided in the 2,500 France services at national level since the launch of the program in January 2020.
France services houses have self-service computer equipment to consult emails, print or scan documents. Digital training is also provided.
A guaranteed universal welcome
A strong commitment of France services is to ensure the support of all users who go there to carry out their procedures. In order to allow a complete accompaniment in a single appointment, it is recommended to call France services before going there. The advisor informs the user of the parts to be brought to carry out the envisaged procedure, which makes it possible to limit the movements. The Vitale card or the tax notice are systematically requested for the creation of a France Connect account, if the user does not already have one.
To find out which France services house is closest to you, visit theDirectory of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) or theadministrative directory of You can also check with your local council.
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