
Pôle emploi becomes France Travail

Publié le 21 décembre 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

In accordance with the law on full employment adopted on 18 December, France Travail will be gradually deployed from 1er January 2024 to replace Pôle emploi. Service-public.fr provides you with an overview of the changes announced.

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Image 1Crédits: Ministry of Labor, Full Employment and Integration

New name, new logo, new rules: France Travail takes over from Pôle emploi and becomes the new public employment operator in France in 2024. That is what the law of December 18, 2023 provides for full employment. This new entity is the result of a desire for cooperation between the various actors in employment, training and integration.

The aim of this reform is to strengthen and improve support for jobseekers.

France Labor: for whom?

France Travail targets jobseekers, recipients of the active solidarity income (RSA), young people registered with a local mission and disabled workers who want support.

The changes will be phased in from 1er January 2024.

What changes will be made as of January 2024?

  • All job seekers will be automatically registered with France Travail, no later than 2025:
    1. jobseekers currently covered by Pôle emploi;
    2. applicants for the SSA, and spouses, common-law partners or past partners;
    3. young people seeking support from local missions;
    4. people with disabilities seeking support from Cap Emploi.
  • All those registered will be referred to the support structure most adapted to their needs: this can be a France Travail advisor, but also, depending on the situation, the local missions, the Departmental Council, Cap Emploi, etc.
  • Each person will then benefit from an in-depth diagnosis carried out by the referring body.
  • A contract of employment is put in place: it must determine objectives set with the accompanying person according to the needs of the jobseeker. As a reference tool, the contract must provide for an action plan in relation to the professional project and the accompanying and/or training measures. It will specify, depending on the situation of the jobseeker, "the level of intensity of the necessary support to which corresponds a weekly period of activity of at least 15 hours" (provision that can be adapted to individual situations, the weekly period of activity being able to be reduced or eliminated in the case, for example, of health problems, child care, etc.).
  • Every jobseeker has rights but also duties, as is currently the case.
  • Measures for workers with disabilities are planned to improve their access to employment, in consultation with Cap Emploi: adapting the common law, simplifying the coordination of actors, strengthening employers' commitment.
  • Provision is also made for the care of young children so that this aspect does not hinder the parents' resumption of activity (in particular the setting up of early childhood centers by municipalities from 2026).

Which services will remain unchanged?

The following services remain unchanged:

  • your advisor will continue to welcome you in the usual manner according to your needs;
  • the conditions for payment of the unemployment benefit remain unchanged for the beneficiaries: it will be paid by France Travail under the same conditions as today;
  • job offers, access to personal space and all digital services remain accessible and available on the website pole-emploi.fr or on the app My Offers ;
  • the monthly update will always be done via your Personal area accessible from pole-emploi.fr or on the app My Space ;
  • all the digital services you use every day to get back to work are also accessible (workshops, training, events, etc.).

The site of Pôle emploi will become www.francetravail.fr as early as february 2024.


the 3949 remains the reference number for contacting France Travail.
