Compensation for overbooking (overbooking)

Verified 01 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The airline that is supposed to transport you refuses to take you on board because it has sold more tickets than seats available on the plane? You are a victim of overbooking (or overbooking). The company must compensate you. We'll tell you what you need to know.

We're talking about overbooking or overbooking when an airline sells more tickets than the number of seats available on the plane.

This allows the company to fill the aircraft even if passengers withdraw.

When too many passengers show up for the flight, the company can ask for volunteers.

If you then agree not to board, you will not be compensated for overbooking.

It's an agreement with the company. Each has its own compensation terms.

If no passenger withdraws, the company may refuse to take you on board.

This practice is not prohibited, but the company must compensate you.

The obligation is on the airline that flies the flight.

This is the case if she sold your ticket directly to you.

This is also the case if you bought it from an intermediary (travel agency for example).


Specific rules apply if you're on a tour (also called package trip).

The flight must comply with certain conditions.

They vary according to the country from which the plane takes off and the nationality of the airline.

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Departure from France

The flight is concerned, regardless of the company.

Compensation applies even in the event of a stopover or connection.

Flights between the mainland and Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte or the French part of the island of Saint Martin are concerned.

Arrival in France

Departure of a country from the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland

If you come from a European country (European Union, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland), the flight is concerned, whatever the company.

Compensation applies even in the event of a stopover or connection.

Flights between the mainland and Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte or the French part of the island of Saint Martin are concerned.

Departure from another country

Conditions vary depending on the country from which the aircraft takes off and the nationality of the airline.

Flight with a European airline to an airport in the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland

The flight is concerned if you complete the 2 conditions following:

  • You are traveling with a the European Union
  • Your flight is to an airport located in the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland.

Assistance shall apply even if the aircraft is called or has a connection in another country.

Example :

If you take off from the United Kingdom, you are covered by compensation on the dual condition of using a European carrier and landing in a European Union country.

Other situation

Your flight is not concerned.

However, you can demand a refund of your ticket in the event of a canceled flight without a proposal for re-routing.

If you suffer damage as a result of canceling your flight, you can claim compensation to the airline.


You have to justify your harm.

If the airline refuses to board you, it must offer you another flight to the same destination.

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You want to wait for the next flight

The airline must take care of yourself.

If you are entitled to assistance, the company must take care of for free pending the next flight, the following services:

  • Refreshments
  • Restore
  • 2 communications (phone calls, SMS, emails)
  • Hotel and airport transfer fees if departure cannot take place before the following day

You don't want to take the next flight

The company owes you refund your ticket if you do not wish or cannot wait for the next flight.

She must pay you back within 7 free days.

The airline owes you compensation.

It is due to you even if the company has refunded your ticket.

The amount of compensation varies depending on the length of the journey.

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Up to 1,500 km

€250 (€125 if the delay is not more than 2 hours)

1,500 to 3,500 km

€400 (€200 if the delay is not more than 3 hours)

More than 3,500 km

  • Journey in the European Union (EU) : €400 (€200 if the delay is not more than 3 hours)
  • Travel between the EU and a non-EU country: €600 (€300 if the delay is not more than 4 hours)

Please note

A person who travels for free (e.g. a child on the lap of his parent) is not entitled to compensation.

The airline must provide you with a document on how to claim compensation.

You must send your complaint (by letter) RAR: titleContent) to the airline's customer service department.

Its contact details are indicated on the document submitted by the airline.

A sample letter is available:

Seeking compensation in the event of denied boarding

You can report to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in the following cases:

  • The company refuses to compensate you
  • You find that the compensation is insufficient.

You must complete an online form:

Report to the DGAC a dispute following denied boarding, flight delay or cancelation

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