Carte grise How long does it take to get an address tag?

Verified 21 September 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Carte grise

Carte grise You will receive your secure fold, in general within 7 working days.

Carte grise However, the delay may be longer if your application is incomplete or needs to be analyzed by the instructor (the manufacturing of the can only be launched after this step). The delay may also be longer depending on the number of applications being processed.


the conversion of an old registration (type 123 AB 01, END) in number SIV has no effect on the validity of the roadworthiness test. The report of the roadworthiness test shall be authentic.

You can follow the progress of your case on the websiteANTS: titleContent :

Carte grise Follow your request to

If you are absent during the postman's passage, a notice of passage will be filed. Then you have 15 days to pick up your document at La Poste (or give a power of attorney to a third party to do it for you). After this period, the title is returned to the sender. You will need to contact the ANT to have it returned to you.

Carte grise In case your application results in the sending of a new one, a provisional certificate of registration (CPI) is given to you at the end of your registration process on the site ANTS: titleContent. You can move around for 1 month, only in France, with your ICC. Carte grise It allows you to wait for the making and sending of your definitive.

New Address Label

If you have made an address change on the site ANTS: titleContentcarte grise , you will receive a label with your new address to paste on your The label is sent to your home, under secure fold within 7 working days.

If you did not receive your label after this time, contact the National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS: titleContent).

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