Recruitment under the Covenant in the civil service
Verified 08 July 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The Public Service Career Access (Pact) pathway allows you to access a Category C job (BEP, CAP or College Certificate) without passing a competition. You are covered by this scheme if you are unqualified or poorly qualified or long-term unemployed. You are recruited in CSD: titleContent. Once recruited, you must take part in dual training (periods of internship and training). At the end of your contract, you can be tenured.
The Pact allows you to access a job of category C (BEP level, CAP or college certificate) in the 3 public services: State, territorial or hospital administrations.
Access to the Pact is made without competition, through work-linked training (periods of internship and training).
You'll be recruited in CSD: titleContent.
At the end of your contract, you can be tenured.
The Covenant is addressed to the following:
- Persons aged between 16 and 28 without a diploma or professional qualification or whose qualification level is below the Baccalaureate level
- Person with at least 45 years of long-term unemployment and a beneficiary of RSA: titleContent or the specific solidarity allowance (SSA) or Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA)
Recruitment offers are distributed by Pôle emploi.
They are available on the websites of the State civil service, territorial civil service, hospital civil service and Pôle emploi. To be able to spot offers on these sites, you need to search for the device Pact.
You can apply online or send your application by simple mail according to the indications presented on the recruitment offer.
The 1re selection of candidates on age and diploma requirements is entrusted to Pôle emploi.
Pôle emploi forwards to the administrations the files of the candidates who will then be heard by a committee.
After having received all the candidates, the committee shall draw up a list of the candidates it proposes to the administration. The administration makes the final decision to hire you.
If you are not recruited, you remain on the commission’s list. This allows you to retain the ability to be recruited if a position becomes available in the 10 months later.
If you are recruited, the administration concludes a CDD with you.
You have a trial period of 2 months.
Your CDD lasts 1 or 2 years.
Once recruited, you must take a work-linked training (traineeship in administration and training) to acquire a qualification, diploma or title related to the job.
The duration of work-linked training shall be at least 20% the total duration of the contract.
The training shall be provided by a training organization. For example, the National Agency for Adult Vocational Training (Afpa).
An agreement has been made between the training organization, the administration and yourself.
It lays down the conditions for organizing and following up training, the issue of the qualification, title or diploma.
A tutor is appointed to welcome you, guide you through administration, follow your training path and organize your activity in your assignment department. He keeps a follow-up log that is attached to your file.
You are paid differently depending on your age.
You're under 21
Your monthly gross earnings are €938.96 per month.
You are also entitled to the residence allowance, at family treatment supplement and, where appropriate, allowances due in the event of night work, Sundays and public holidays.
You're 21 and older
Your monthly gross earnings are €1,195.04 per month.
You are also entitled to the residence allowance, at family treatment supplement and, where appropriate, allowances due in the event of night work, Sundays and public holidays.
During your contract, you are subject to the working hours of your service. You cannot work overtime.
Time spent in training shall be regarded as actual working time.
You are entitled to annual leave under the same conditions as other administrative staff.
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Your contract is renewed or you are confirmed
At least 1 month before the end of your contract, a tenure commission is responsible for assessing your professional aptitude.
The commission is chaired by the person responsible for your department. It is composed of 2 other people, including one who is not in the service.
In the event that they do not consider themselves able to evaluate you, this commission can renew your contract for a maximum of 1 if you have failed the final tests.
Accident at work The commission can also decide to extend your contract if you have been on maternity, adoption, paternity and childcare leave, sickness or child care. Your contract is then extended for the duration of this leave.
Otherwise, it will decide on your tenure after an interview with you and in the light of your file, in particular the follow-up notebook kept by the tutor and his opinion on your aptitude.
If you are deemed fit to perform your duties and have obtained the qualification, diploma or title that may be required, you are tenured and remain in your job.
Tenure occurs at the end of the initial term of the contract. Any extensions (e.g. for maternity leave) are not taken into account.
once you are tenured, you agree to remain in the administration that recruited you for a period equal to 2 times the duration of your initial contract, possibly extended by renewal periods. In the event of a breach of your commitment, you must reimburse the training costs incurred by the administration.
If the board finds you unfit, you're not tenured. You can take advantage of unemployment benefits if you meet the conditions.
You terminate your contract during your trial period
During the trial period, you or the administration may terminate the contract without compensation or notice.
The break is done by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The letter from the administration must indicate the reasons for the termination of your contract.
You resign after your probationary period
If you wish to resign, you must inform your administration by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Your application must be submitted within a period of notice.
This notice depends on your seniority.
You have less than 6 months seniority
You must give 15 days' notice.
You have 6 months or more seniority
You must respect a 1 month notice.
You're fired
At the end of the trial period, the administration may decide to dismiss you for the following reasons:
- Non-compliance with contractual obligations
- Refusal to sign training agreement
- Disciplinary misconduct (e.g. behavior impeding the proper functioning of the service)
- Incompetence (i.e. inability to perform normally the duties for which you have been engaged)
The administration must first consult your guardian.
The dismissal shall be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The letter must specify the reason(s) for the dismissal and the effective date.
You can take advantage of unemployment benefits if you meet the conditions.
The administration does not have to pay you severance pay, except in case of professional incompetence.
At the end of the trial period, the administration may decide to dismiss you for the following reasons:
- Non-compliance with contractual obligations
- Refusal to sign training agreement
- Disciplinary misconduct (e.g. behavior impeding the proper functioning of the service)
- Incompetence (i.e. inability to perform normally the duties for which you have been engaged)
The administration must first consult your guardian.
The dismissal shall be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The letter must specify the reason(s) for the dismissal and the effective date.
You can take advantage of unemployment benefits if you meet the conditions.
The administration does not have to pay you severance pay, except in case of professional incompetence.
Model declaration of derogation from regulated work for the purpose of accommodating young minors
Online service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
National Federation of Territorial Public Service Management Centers (FNCDG)
Hospital Federation of France
Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP)
Pôle emploi
Center for the Development of Training Information (Info Center)