Inheritance rules: deceased with children
Verified 19 December 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
To whom is the property of a person who had children passed on when he or she dies? When the deceased has not made a will, his goods go to his descendants, and to her husband if he was married. When the deceased made a willHowever, he must reserve part of his estate for his descendants. It can allocate the remaining part freely (to the benefit of an heir or a third party). We present you with the information you need to know.
No will
The heirs are the descendants of the deceased.
The surviving husband also inherits in all cases.
All children have the same rights in the estate. The sharing is between them in equal parts.
Example :
If the deceased had two children during his marriage, one of them with a woman other than his wife, each child will receive half of his father's property, after the share allocated to the wife.
If the child has been adopted, his or her rights differ depending on whether the child has been adopted in simple adoption or plenary adoption.
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Simple adoption
The adoptee inherits the two families, that is to say from his family of origin and from his adoptive family.
The adoptee has the same rights in the estates of his adoptive parents as his non-adopted siblings.
Plenary adoption
The adopted child has the right to inherit from his or her adoptive parents. He has the same rights in the estate as his unadopted siblings.
However, this adoption resulted in her losing her rights to the inheritance of her biological parents.
In principle, a grandchild does not inherit from his or her grandparents.
However, he inherits by representation, i.e. instead of his parents, in the following 3 cases:
- Sound parent has died
- His parent relinquishes the estate of his own parent
- His parent is unworthy to succeed.
Spouse, Civil partnership partner, or cohabitation partner
The deceased's spouse inherits in all cases.
However, its share in the estate varies according to the spouses’ matrimonial property regime (community reduced to acquisitions or marriage contract). Its share also varies according to the presence of children common to the couple or not.
Please note
The husband also benefits from a special right in his dwelling.
However, the civil partnership partner or cohabiting partner of the deceased have no rights on his estate.
Situation of the person living with the deceased | Right to the estate of the deceased |
Spouse | Yes |
Spouse separated from body | Yes, except where the spouses waive their inheritance rights in their separation agreement |
Ex-husband | No |
Civil partnership Partner | No |
Cohabiting Partner | No |
Inheritance shares are allocated differently depending on whether the deceased was married or not.
Please note
The part of the spouse presented here concerns the matrimonial property regime of the community reduced to acquisitions. It may be different if the spouses have entered into a marriage contract.
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The deceased was married
Inheritance shares are allocated differently depending on whether the deceased leaves only children from the couple or not.
The deceased leaves only children from the couple
If the deceased leaves only children from the couple, the surviving spouse has the choice between the following 2 options:
- Usufruct of the totality of the succession
- Full ownership of the 1/4 of the estate.
If the spouse chooses the usufruct of the entire estate, the children inherit the bare-ownership of the entire estate.
If the spouse chooses full ownership of the 1/4 from the estate, the children inherit the full ownership of the 3/4 of the estate.
Any heir may request, in writing, the surviving spouse to choose one of the 2 options. If the surviving spouse does not make known his or her choice in writing in the 3 months, the usufruct of the whole of the succession shall be attributed to it.
If the surviving spouse dies without having made his or her choice, he or she shall be deemed to have opted for usufruct of the entire estate.
The spouse's share of the inheritance may be different if the deceased has made a gift to the last living.
The deceased leaves children uncommon to the couple
If the deceased leaves children that are not common to the couple, the surviving spouse inherits the 1/4 of the succession in full ownership.
In this case, children inherit 3/4 of the estate in full ownership.
The spouse's share of the inheritance may be different if the deceased has made a gift to the last living.
Unmarried deceased
His belongings go to his children.
Her children receive all of her belongings in equal parts.
If the deceased was living as a couple, his Civil partnership partner or cohabiting partner have no rights to his estate.
Reserving heirs
Some heirs cannot be excluded from the estate. These are the heirs reserving. They must receive a share of the deceased's inheritance: this is the hereditary reserve.
It is the children of the deceased (including adopted children) and their descendants who are the heirs of the deceased.
the child adopted in simple adoption is not the heir to whom the ascendants of his adoptive parents. His grandparents and his adopted great-grandparents can therefore disinherit him in their will.
Available Quota
The hereditary reserve never represents the entire inheritance of the deceased.
The remaining part of the heritage is called the available quota. It can be distributed freely (to an heir or a third party) by the deceased in his will.
The share of inheritance reserved for children is as follows:
- The half property for 1 child
- The 2/3 property for 2 children
- The 3/4 property for 3 children and more.
The available quota, i.e. the remaining part of the estate, may be freely assigned by the deceased in his will.
Example :
The deceased has a heritage of €200,000 and three children. His children will share 3/4 of this heritage either €150,000 in equal parts. Each child will therefore receive €50,000. The deceased can assign the remaining 1/4 either €50,000 to persons of his choice (heirs or third parties).
parents have a right of return, that is, the right to take back the property they had given to their children before their death. The value of these assets is set off against the inheritance rights of the father and mother.
An heir who has not received a lot equal to his reserve share may exercise a reduction action.
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- Notary
Rights of parents in the absence of a successor spouse
Order of heirs
Rights of the successor spouse (Article 757)
Waiver of succession (Article 805)
Notaries of France