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Early Childhood Care Benefit (ECHP): Adoption Premium
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Income of the same category (wages, income from land, etc.) less taxes and tax allowances (10% reduction for expenses, etc.)
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland (outside EU), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein (outside EU), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (outside EU)
The Early Childhood Care (ECC) Adoption Bonus helps you pay for expenses related to the arrival of a new child. It is a means-tested payment. You must apply to the CAF (or the MSA). We present you with the information you need to know.
What applies to you ?
Conditions relating to adoption or reception with a view to adoption
To be eligible for the premium, you must adopt (or take in for adoption) a child under the age of 20.
You must have used:
- or the Child Welfare Service (Ase),
- either to a French body authorized for adoption (or the French Agency for Adoption),
- to a competent foreign authority.
Resource ceiling
Your resources must not exceed an amount determined according to your family situation. It's the categorical net income of 2022 which is taken into account for 2024.
There are 2 revenues if each receives an annual amount of €5,594 or more (in 2022) from an occupational activity or from daily allowances for accidents at work or occupational diseases.
Lone parent
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General case (Cf)
The approach differs according to whether the adopted child is French, European (Schengen area) or foreigner.
The adopted child is French
You're already a beneficiary
You must send to the Caf one of the following 2 documents:
- Attestation from child welfare services (or other authorized agency) stating the date of placement of the child in your home and the name of the welcoming family
- Copy of the extract from the minutes of the proceedings of the Family Council of the State wards
You must declare this change of situation.
You're not a recipient
You must send the CFOC a file consisting of the following:
- Attestation by child welfare services (or other authorized body) specifying the date of placement of the child in your home and the name of the host family (or copy of the extract from the minutes of the proceedings of the family council of the wards of the State)
- Completed forms cerfa 11423 (situation declaration) and 10397 (resource declaration)
The adopted child is European (Schengen area)
You're already a beneficiary
You must send the CFOC a file consisting of the following:
- Copy of your approval issued by the services of your department
- Copy of the foreign decision (adoption or placement for adoption)
- Photocopy of a child's identity document (identity card or passport of the country of origin)
- Agreement to continue the procedure (APP) established by the French authorities (Mission de l'adoption internationale or operators who acted as intermediaries for the adoption), issued before the child's arrival in France
- Proof of the actual arrival of the child in your home (certificate from the department of the place of residence of the adoptive parents, boarding pass in the child's name, presentation of the child, etc.).
You must declare this change of situation.
You're not a recipient
You must send the CFOC a file consisting of the following:
- Copy of your approval for adoption issued by your department
- Copy of the foreign decision (adoption or placement decision for adoption)
- Agreement to continue the procedure (APP) established by the French authorities (Mission de l'adoption internationale or operators who acted as intermediaries for the adoption), issued before the child's arrival in France
- Proof of the actual arrival of the child in your home (certificate from the department of the place of residence of the adoptive parents, boarding pass in the child's name, presentation of the child, etc.).
- Completed forms cerfa No. 11423 (situation declaration) and No. 10397 (resource declaration).
The adopted child is a foreigner (other country)
You're already a beneficiary
You must send the CFOC a file consisting of the following:
- Copy of your approval issued by the services of your department
- Copy of the foreign decision (adoption or placement for adoption)
- Photocopy of the child's passport or any other official document of the country of origin on which the visa granted by the Mission de l'adoption internationale (MAI) appears, which makes it possible to attest to the regularity of the child's stay in France and which constitutes the starting point of the child's arrival in your home
You must declare this change of situation.
You're not a recipient
You must send the CFOC a file consisting of the following:
- Copy of your approval for adoption issued by your department
- Copy of the foreign decision (adoption or placement decision for adoption)
- Photocopy of the child's passport or any other official document of the country of origin on which the visa granted by the Mission de l'adoption internationale (MAI) appears, which makes it possible to attest to the regularity of the child's stay in France and which constitutes the starting point of the child's arrival in your home
- Completed forms cerfa 11423 (situation declaration) and 10397 (resource declaration)
Agricultural Scheme (AMM)
Contact your MSA who will guide you in the steps to be accomplished:
The net adoption premium is €2,132.63.
The premium shall be paid in one installment by 2e month after the child arrives at home.
in the event of the death of the child, the adoption premium shall be maintained if the death occurs in the month of adoption.
Who can help me?
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Adoption premium: Article L531-2
Conditions of resources
Benchmark Revenue
Amount: Article D531-2
National Fund for Family Allowances (Cnaf)