Sickness during parental leave: what are the rules?

Verified 26 November 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

For the duration of your parental leave at full-time or to part-time, you can benefit from your rights to reimbursement of health expenses. In case of sickness during your parental leave, you can also benefit from reimbursement rights, subject to conditions, depending on whether or not you return to work at the end of your leave.

Full-time parental leave

You resume your work at the end of the break

You benefit from reimbursement of health costs for sickness throughout your parental leave.

You are on sick leave or maternity leave following your parental leave

You benefit from reimbursement of health costs for sickness throughout your parental leave.

In the 12 months after the end of parental leave, allowances shall be paid, taking into account entitlements opened before departure on leave, in the event of sickness or maternity leave.

Part-time parental leave

The employee in part-time parental leave benefits from the daily allowance for sickness and reimbursement of health expensesunder the usual conditions, during the period of leave.

In the event that it is impossible to return to work because of illness at the end of the leave, daily allowances and reimbursement of health expenses shall be paid throughout the period of the leave.