Map of the fighter

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

You want to know what the fighter card is, how to apply for it and what the card allows you to do? We present you with the information you need to know.

To obtain the fighter's card, you must, as a member of the French armed forces or as a civilian, have taken part in certain conflicts or operations.

These are the following operations or conflicts:

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External operations (Opex)

For armed conflicts or missions carried out in accordance with France's international obligations and commitments, you must complete at least 1 of the following conditions :

  • Total at least 120 days of service
  • To have belonged to a unit that has experienced 9 fire or combat actions during his time of presence
  • Have personally participated in 5 fire or combat actions
  • Having been detained by the adversary and deprived of the protection of the Geneva Conventions (military only)
  • Have been held by the opponent for at least 90 days, provided that they have previously or subsequently belonged to a fighting unit
  • Having been held in long captivity
  • Having been evacuated for an injury or illness acquired while on duty in a unit recognized as a combatant
  • Have received a war injury, regardless of the unit or formation to which they belonged, without any condition of length of stay in that unit or formation
  • To have been the subject of an individual quotation with a cross
  • Have a death certificate marked “Death for France”

North African conflicts (1952-1964)

For services in Algeria (31 October 1954 - 31 July 1964) and fighting in Tunisia (1er January 1952 - July 2, 1962) or Morocco (1er june 1953 - july 2, 1962), you must complete at least 1 of the following conditions :

  • Total at least 120 days of service, with no obligation to have belonged to a fighting unit. Services performed after 2 July 1962 shall be taken into account if they have not been interrupted.
  • To have belonged to a unit that has experienced 9 fire or combat actions during his time of presence
  • Have personally participated in 5 fire or combat actions
  • Having been detained by the adversary and deprived of the protection of the Geneva Conventions (military only)
  • Have been a member of a unit recognized as a combatant for at least 90 days
  • Having been evacuated for an injury or illness acquired while on duty in a unit recognized as a combatant
  • Have received a war injury, regardless of the unit or formation to which they belonged, without any condition of length of stay in that unit or formation
  • To have been the subject of an individual quotation with a cross
  • Have a death certificate marked “Death for France”

Other conflicts

You must complete at least 1 of the following conditions :

  • Have been a member of a unit recognized as a combatant for at least 90 days
  • Having been held in long captivity
  • Having been evacuated for an injury or illness acquired while on duty in a unit recognized as a combatant
  • Have received a war injury, regardless of the unit or formation to which they belonged, without any condition of length of stay in that unit or formation
  • To have been individually quoted with a cross
  • Have a death certificate marked “Death for France”


You can ask for the fighter's card for yourself.

But, if the person is deceased, the following people can apply for it for the deceased:

  • Her husband or wife
  • His partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent
  • His orphans or their guardian
  • His parents or the person who took him and raised him
  • His brother or sister
  • His grandfather or grandmother
  • The person who has been married to her
  • Her husband or wife remarried
  • His partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent who contracted a new Civil partnerships: titleContent


This request may also be made by the Minister of Defense or, in the case of soldiers of the National Gendarmerie, by the Minister of the Interior.


You can do this entirely on the Internet or by mail:

On the Internet

You must use this online service:

Online request for a fighter card

By mail

You are French and you live in France

You must provide the following:

  • Copy of your identity card
  • Photo ID
  • Any military document (copy or original)
  • Cerfa Form No. 15409

Application for a fighter's card and/or the Nation's recognition title

You must send these documents to the services of ONACVG (or the department services) on which your home depends.

Who shall I contact

You are a foreigner and you live in France

You must provide the following:

  • Copy of a document proving your identity
  • Copy of valid residence permit
  • Photo ID
  • Any military document (copy or original)
  • Cerfa Form No. 15409

Application for a fighter's card and/or the Nation's recognition title

You must send these documents to the services of ONACVG (or the department services) on which your home depends.

Who shall I contact

You reside outside France (and are French or foreigners)

You must provide the following:

  • Cerfa Form No. 15409
  • Documents shown on this form

Application for a fighter's card and/or the Nation's recognition title

You must send these documents to the appropriate consulate.

Response Time

The response time is up to 2 months.

If you have not received a response within 2 months of filing your application, your application is rejected.

The fighter card gives you access to the following rights:


On the death of the holder of the war card, the spouse (widow or widow) or Civil partnership partner, who is 74 years of age or older and has no dependants, obtains an additional half share of the family quotient for income tax purposes.

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