Refugee: residence permit, travel document and accompanying document

Verified 02 August 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If theOfpra: titleContent grant you refugee status, you receive a residence permit valid for 10 years. If you wish to leave France to travel, a travel document can be issued. In addition, you also receive assistance for access to rights.

What is the nature of the residence permit?

As a refugee, you are entitled to a resident card allowing you to move freely in France.

How to obtain the residence permit?

Upon receipt of the mail recognizing you as a refugee, you must submit your card application online.

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

The prefecture has a three-month period from the date of the decision granting you refugee status to issue you your resident card.

She also gives one to the following family members:

  • Your spouse, common-law partner or civil union partner, who is already authorized to reside in France for family reunification
  • Your spouse or civil union partner, who is at least 18 years of age, if the marriage or civil union is later than the date of your asylum application. The marriage must have been celebrated, or the civil union entered into, for at least 1 year, with a community of actual life.
  • Your children within one year of age 18 or aged 16 to 18 who say they want to work
  • Your parents (direct ascendants at 1er degree) if you are a recognized refugee child and you are still a minor and unmarried.

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

What documents are to be provided?

Documents vary depending on whether you are applying for the resident card for yourself or for your family.

For you

You must provide the following:

  • Civil status certificate (transmitted by theOfpra: titleContent to the prefecture)
  • Decision of Ofpra or the NDA: titleContent granting you refugee status
  • Declaration on the honor of no polygamy in France if you are married and are a national of a country that allows it
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
For your family members

You must provide the following:

  • Full copy of birth certificate (unless he already has a residence card) with the most recent entries
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Decision of theOfpra: titleContent or the NDA: titleContent conferring refugee status on the spouse, partner, common-law partner or child
  • Proof of family connection with the refugee:
    • Proof of marriage (full copy of the marriage certificate or family record book)
    • Proof of civil union (copy of civil union contract)
    • Proof of parentage for children or for  ascendants (full copy of the birth certificate or family record book, declaration of natural child or adoption decision)
    • Proof of 1 year of living together if you have not entered France for family reunification.
  • If he arrived in France on the basis of family reunification: medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (at the latest when the residence permit is given).

When you apply for a residence permit on the Internet, you immediately get a dematerialized certificate deposit.

What is the cost of the residence permit?

You need to pay €25 (stamp duty) by tax stamps.

Tax stamps are sold only in dematerialized form (the paper stamp can only be used overseas).

For a renewal of your title, you will need to pay €225 (tax and stamp duty).

How is the residence permit issued?

You are contacted by email or SMS when your residence permit is ready. It is given to you by the prefecture or sub-prefecture of your residence department.

What is the period of validity of the residence permit?

The residence permit issued to you is a residence card. It is valid 10 years.

The certificate bearing the entry recognized refugee and the resident card allow you to work in France.

If you wish to travel abroad, you can request a Refugee Travel Document (RTV). It allows you to leave France and then come back.

This travel document is biometric and valid for 5 years.

Where to apply for a travel document?

The request can be made on the following website:

Apply online for a residence permit, a change of situation, a travel document, an application for ANEF naturalization

What documents are to be provided?

The documents to be provided are different if the travel document concerns an adult or a minor:

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The travel document is for a major

In particular, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • Valid Resident Card: original and photocopy
  • Proof of residence in your name (water bills, electricity bills, rent receipt) or a proof of accommodation and copy of the host's identity document
  • Proof that you are under protection of theOfpra: titleContent (example: decision to grant refugee status)
  • For renewal: old travel document (original and photocopy).

The travel document concerns a minor

In particular, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • Full copy of the birth certificate with filiation or family record drawn up by theOfpra: titleContent
  • Proof of parental authority:
    • Marriage certificate extract
    • Divorce judgment
    • Court ruling on parental authority
    • Separation Order
    • Copy of the court decision delegating parental authority
  • Proof of residence of less than 6 months in the name of the minor if the address is different from that of the applicant.

What is the cost of a travel document?

The issue of the title is subject to a fee.

You must buy a tax stamp by an amount of €45.

What are the territorial limits of the travel document?

The travel document issued to you shall indicate the country(ies) you are not allowed to enters.

In general, it is only your country of origin but in some cases, fears of persecution may have been established against other countries.

When you have obtained your residence permit and signed the Republican Integration Contract (CIR), you can be accompanied by the Ofii in your efforts to find employment and housing.

Who shall I contact

This support takes into account your degree of vulnerability and the specific needs that arise from it.