How to search for a job offer abroad?
Verified 13 May 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Specialized portals, networks and associations are set up to provide you with the necessary information on mobility.
They also help you find a job offer when you plan to leave in the European Union (EU) or abroad.
In particular:
- International pôle emploi, which has a portal specializing in international mobility
- Eures or Eurodisk Network (Europe), which centralizes job vacancies in the European Union
- Association for Executive Employment (Apec), which offers job opportunities for executives abroad
- Association for the Employment of Agricultural Executives, Engineers and Technicians (Apecita), which offers job opportunities in the agricultural sector
Abroad, you can get help from the Consular Committees for Employment and Vocational Training (CCPE).
You can also inquire at the CCI: titleContent which identify French companies abroad and with French foreigner associations.
Youth Information and Documentation Center (CIDJ)
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE)
France education international
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
International pôle emploi
European Commission