City planning: how long is an authorization valid?
Verified 06 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You have obtained a city planning authorization (permit to build, develop, demolish or not oppose a prior declaration of works). It is valid for 3 years. An extension is possible. We're presenting the regulations.
The building permit, to arrange, to demolish or the decision not to oppose preliminary declaration of works have a period of validity of 3 years.
This period of 3 years starts from notification of the decision of the mayor's office. This is addressed to you by letter RAR: titleContent or by an equivalent electronic method if you have accepted this mode of transmission by filing your application for authorization.
Depending on the method of transmission of the notification, the period of validity of your authorization shall start on the following date:
- 1re presentation of registered mail
- The day after the date of dispatch of the notification by electronic registered mail
- The day following the date of dispatch of the notice of deposit to the user by another equivalent electronic method.
If you do not receive a response from the City Hall by the deadline, your project is accepted. This is a tacit authorization. It shall be valid from that date.
Example :
A building permit order sent in letter RAR: titleContent is presented or received by hand on July 22, 2024. It is valid until July 22, 2027.
A building permit order sent electronically on July 22, 2024 is valid until July 23, 2027.
Please note
Your permission is no longer valid if you do not start the work within 3 years or if you have passed this period, you interrupt the work for more than 1 year in a row.
The period of validity may be extended 2 times for 1 year if the city planning rules and administrative easements have not changed.
You have to do it demand at least 2 months before the initial period of validity of your city planning authorization (or before the end of the validity period of your 1re request for extension).
This request must be made in 2 copies by letter RAR: titleContent or dropped off in town hall.
Upon receipt of your request, the City Hall has 2 months to answer you.
The extension is granted if you do not receive a reply within this time limit.
Only the valid city planning permissions may be prolonged.
Example :
An authorization valid from June 5, 2024 to June 5, 2027 can be extended for 1 year if you apply before April 5, 2027.
It can be extended to a 2e times if you request it 2 months before the end of the 1re extension granted.
After its validity period, your authorization is outdated.
You have to make a new application for authorization in town hall.
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For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
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The informants who answer you belong to the ministry in charge of housing and city planning.
- Town Hall
Expiry of city planning authorization
Extension of validity period (general case)
Notification by registered route
Notification by electronic means