Should we reimburse wrongly paid family benefits?
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Yes, you have to repay benefits wrongly paid by the Family Allowance Fund (Caf) or the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA). The FCA or AMM may ask you to repay benefits paid in error for a period of Two years. This period is 5 years if the award of these benefits is the result of fraud or misrepresentation on your part. After these delays, the Cfa or MSA can no longer ask you to repay. We'll lay out the rules for you.
The recovery of wrongfully paid family benefits is effected in one of the following ways:
- In one installment
- In several installments (a sum is then regularly deducted from the benefits paid afterwards).
In the case of fraud (e.g. acts to obtain or attempt to obtain undue payment of benefits), the amount of the penalty shall be determined according to the seriousness of the acts.
For example, whether the alleged acts were intentional or repeated, the amount of the damage and its duration, the means and methods used.
This amount may be up to €15,700.
Penalties are increased when the intent to defraud is established.
If there is a change in your household, you must immediately report it to the CAF or the MSA, even if you have already reported it to another organization (Taxes, France Travail, CPAM: titleContent ...).
This will help you avoid having to pay back to the UIC the money you wrongly received.
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If you are dependent on the general diet
Family Allowance Fund (Caf)If you are dependent on the farm plan
Mutual Social Agricultural Organization (MSA)