Executive and youth worker training leave for an employee

Verified 21 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you an employee of the private sector and want to train or improve yourself in the supervision or animation of young people? Your employer may grant you leave (a leave of absence) for this purpose. Your leave request must contain a number of elements. Here are the rules to know.

To benefit from the training leave, you must respect 2 cumulative conditions :

  • Under 25
  • Wish to participate in activities (such as a sports federation or club affiliated with a federation) to promote the preparation and training of managers and facilitators.

You must make the request to your employer by any means conferring a certain date (mail, mail with acknowledgement of receipt).

This document shall specify the following information:

  • Date of training
  • Duration of planned absence
  • Organization responsible for training.

It must reach the employer at least 30 days prior to the start of training.


Of treaty provisions may provide for other rules.

Yes, the employer may refuse your request in any of the following:

  • A number of employees have already been entitled to the leave in the establishment during the current year
  • Your absence is detrimental to the production and operation of the company.

In other cases, the employer must accept your request for leave.

Employees already on leave during the current year

Your employer may refuse you leave if a number of employees are already on leave at the establishment during the current year.

Tableau - Refusal of the training leave for managers and youth workers for an employee

Number of employees in the establishment

Number of beneficiaries from which refusal is possible

Less than 50


50 to 99


100 to 199


200 to 499


500 to 999


From 1,000 to 1999


From 2 000

1 additional beneficiary per additional 1,000 employees

In the event of a refusal, the employer must state the reasons.

This refusal is yours notified within 8 days upon receipt of your request.


Of treaty provisions may provide for other rules.

Absence detrimental to company

The employer may refuse the leave if he or she considers that your absence is detrimental to the production and operation of the company.

Before refusing, he must:

The refusal must be yours notified within 8 days upon receipt of your request.


If you renew your application after this refusal, you have priority to obtain this leave.

The duration of the leave shall be 6 working days per year.


Of treaty provisions may provide for other rules.

It can be taken in 1 or 2 doses.

The days taken for the training leave for youth leaders and youth workers may be cumulative with the leave for economic, social, environmental and trade union training.

This cumulation is possible within the limit of 12 working days for the same year.


Of treaty provisions may provide for other rules.

No, the training leave for youth leaders and youth workers cannot be taken during paid leave.

Yes, this leave is treated as a period of actual work. The duration of this leave is therefore taken into account for the calculation of paid leave.

Remuneration is not maintained during the course of the training.


Of treaty provisions may lay down the conditions governing the maintenance of remuneration during the period of leave.

Yeah. Yeah. When you return to work in the company, you give your employer a certificate that you have actually completed the training.

This certificate shall be issued by the body responsible for training.

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