Verified 04 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Are you a high school student, an apprentice or a reorientation student and want to enroll in higher education? To do this, you need to use the platform Browse. The procedure follows a timetable during which you have to find out about the different courses and establishments of interest to you, formulate wishes and validate the admission proposals received.
The rules for using Browse are different depending on whether you are French, European or non-European foreigner.
You are French or European
Browse allows you to:
- Obtain information on the characteristics of the training, in particular the expected skills, the content and organization of the courses, the amount of tuition fees, the success rates, the outlets
- Know the institutions offering this training and their capacity
- Getting guidance on direction
- Wishing students continued education
- Create and track the application
You must use Browse to register in 1re graduate year if you are in any of the following:
- You're preparing the bin (general, technological, professional) in free candidate, in a public or private high school in France, in Europe or in a high school of the French Agency for French Education Abroad (French Agency for French Education Abroad - AEFE)
- You are preparing a foreigners high school leaving diploma (degree equivalent to the baccalaureate)
- You're in 1re year of higher education and you want reorient yourself (at the same or another institution) for the next school year
- You have a bachelor's degree or a foreigners high school diploma and you want resume your studies.
Please note
You are not concerned if you are repetitive student (you must re-enroll directly in the institution) or apply for continuing training.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're preparing the bin
In a school
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is complete
- Your national student identifier (INE - composed of 10 digits and 1 letter or 9 digits and 2 letters - or INAA in agricultural high school). If you are studying abroad (outside the foreigner's upper secondary schools), check the box "I don't have an INE".
- Your transcript for the advanced tests of the Bin.
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or want to perform a simulation of allocation of higher education scholarship on social criteria.
As a free candidate
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is complete
- Your OCEAN number (10 digit baccalaureate registration number)
- Your transcript for the advanced tests of the Bin.
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship based on social criteria.
You are preparing a foreigners degree equivalent to the baccalaureate
To register, you must submit the following:
- A valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is completed
- Information about your education and your high school leaving diploma (school certificate, school report cards...).
At the time of registration, check the box "I do not have an INE".
You have a bachelor's degree or an equivalent foreigners diploma
You are in higher education and you are reorienting yourself
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the process is complete
- Your national student ID (INE - 10 digits and 1 letter or 9 digits and 2 letters)
- Your Baccalaureate transcript (or equivalent level of foreigners diploma)
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship on social criteria.
You're back in school
To register, you must submit the following:
- A valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is completed
- Your Baccalaureate transcript (or equivalent level of foreigners diploma).
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship on social criteria.
At the time of registration, check the box "I do not have an INE".
Offered training
You can make greetings in the following courses:
- Non-selective training: Bachelor's degree, specific pathways to health (PASS), preparatory pathways to the professorate of schools (PPPE)
- Selective training: CPGE: titleContent ,BTS: titleContent, AIM: titleContent, DNMADE: titleContent, DCG: titleContent, schools of architecture, engineering, business and management, IFSI (nursing training institutes) and other paramedical training, EFTS (social work training establishments), institutes of political studies, French national veterinary schools (ENV), training in the professions of culture, animation and sport, training of the Navy, the Army.
Some establishments are not in Browse. In this case, contact the relevant institution directly to find out about the admission procedures.
December 20, 2023 : opening of the platform. You can view the available training.
January 17 to March 14, 2024, you can register and enter your wishes on the platform:
- Registering and creating folder: you must enter a valid and regularly consulted email address. You can download the app Browse on your mobile phone. You are given a file number and you choose your password. Keep them.
- View the characteristics of each course using a search engine.
- Entering greetings: you must enter up to 10 wishes without filing them.
Access your higher education registration form
for training apprenticeship, you can submit your wishes after March 14, 2024.
Some training courses are grouped into " multiple vows ”. They allow you to choose the desired course(s) from a set of courses that are grouped by type, specialty or mention.
A multiple wish is made up of several sub-wishes: each of them corresponds to a training in a given establishment. Within a multiple wish, you can select one or more formations without ordering them.
The multiple wish counts for 1 wish only. In total, you can formulate up to 20 sub-wishes (excluding 1re common year for health studies in Île-de-France and engineering and business schools).
You can send greetings throughout the territory.
Until March 14, you can delete a wish that you have not yet confirmed.
Please note
if you need a visa to study in France and you are not preparing the baccalaureate or an equivalent diploma, the number of wishes in some formations may be limited.
Before confirming the wishes, you will have to express your preference in a dedicated section. The commission for access to higher education will then be able to find you a course if none of your wishes is accepted.
a student with a disability or a debilitating health condition can enter their situation in the section Elements related to my schooling. The higher education institution will then be able to set up a pedagogical support system or a personalized training course.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You made your vows before March 14, 2024
- The 2nde class council examines your wishes.
- Each wish is the subject of a Future Fact Sheet including for each material, your average of the two 1ers quarter or 1er semester of the final year, an assessment of the teachers on your results, progress noted and aptitude for schooling in the requested training and finally the opinion of the head of school. They are then transmitted to higher education institutions electronically.
As of March 10th, you will have access to the elements of your card as you go along.
From 1er June, you can read your entire Future page. - Finalization of the file accompanied by the requested documents.
- Mandatory confirmation of each wish until April 3, 2024.
You didn't make your vows in time
You can no longer wish for higher education training in Browse.
for training apprenticeship, you can submit your wishes after March 14, 2024.
From April 4 until May 21, 2024 : institutions offering training courses registered on the platform Browse examine the wishes expressed.
If you change your home, you must declare it on Browse.
in making their choice, institutions may, with your agreement, take into account your participation in the cords of success.
May 30 to July 11, 2024 : you receive proposals for admission and give your answers.
The proposals you receive may differ depending on whether you are applying for selective training or not.
Receipt of proposals
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Non-selective training
Where the number of greetings received is less than the number of places available, the institution may reply:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Ou yes if (offer of admission): the establishment conditions your registration to your acceptance to follow a personalized training course (refresher course, adapted curriculum...).
Where the number of vows received exceeds the number of places available in an establishment, the establishment may reply to:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Ou yes if (proposal for admission),
- Or waiting for a seat.
Selective training
The hotel can answer:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Or waiting for a place,
- Or no.
If you wish everything in selective courses and receive only negative answers, a higher education access committee will study your case and make proposals.
you will be offered an apprenticeship training if you are retained in the training and have signed an apprenticeship contract with an employer. As soon as you have a signed contract, you must submit it to the training institution before a proposal can be made.
Acceptance of proposals
As you receive proposals, you must respond within a time frame. The response time depends on when you received the proposal.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Reception on 30 or 31 May
You must respond to the proposal on June 2 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
Reception on June 1st
You must respond to the proposal on June 3 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
Reception between 2 June and 10 July
You have 1 day to respond to the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on June 10, you can respond until June 11 at 11:59 p.m.
If you pass the baccalaureate and receive an admission proposal between 16 and 22 june, you must respond on June 23 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
If you receive only one offer of admission, you can accept or waive it.
If you receive several proposals for admission, you can accept one proposal and forego the others.
If you want to keep your wishes waiting, you must prioritize them and validate your choice within a specific time frame. You must do so within 3 days of the deadline for responding to the proposal.
If you only receive pending responses, you must wait for a space to become available.
If you only receive negative answers, the Commission for Access to Higher Education will make proposals to you.
You cannot accept a proposal during the baccalaureate exams.
June 11 to September 10, 2024: Greetings Tabled
If you have not received a positive admission response at a higher institution to which you have applied, you have an additional phase.
From June 11 to September 10, 2024, you can make new wishes for training with vacancies.
Please note
candidates who did not participate in the main phase of the national pre-registration procedure and who wish to express their wishes in the supplementary phase may register at Browse until the end of july 2024.
After the bin results, the commission d'accès à l'éducation supérieure studies your priority training wishes and makes training proposals to you as closely as possible to your initial choices.
Until September 12, 2024: Response to proposals
Institutions will review the greetings and submit their proposals to applicants until September 12, 2024.
As you receive proposals, you must respond within a certain time frame. The response time depends on when you received the proposal.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Reception between 11 June and 23 August
You have 1 day to respond to the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on August 13, you can respond until August 14 at 11:59 p.m.
Reception between 24 August and 12 September
You have to answer same day where you receive the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on August 28, you can respond until August 28 at 11:59 p.m.
once you are admitted to training, you must proceed to administrative registration in this training.
You are a non-European foreigner
Browse allows you to:
- Obtain information on the characteristics of the training, in particular the expected skills, the content and organization of the courses, the amount of tuition fees, the success rates, the outlets
- Know the institutions offering this training and their capacity
- Getting guidance on direction
- Wishing students continued education
- Create and track the application
You must use it to register in 1re graduate year if you are in any of the following situations:
- You're preparing the bin (general, technological, professional) in free candidate or in a school.
- You're in 1re year of higher education and you want reorient yourself (at the same or another institution) for the next school year
- You've got the baccalaureate and you want it resume your studies
- You don't have the baccalaureate, don't prepare it and you want to sign up for a selective non-university course (CPGE: titleContent , BTS: titleContent...)
- You don't have the baccalaureate, don't prepare it and you want to register in a selective university course (AIM: titleContent,DEUST: titleContent, FROM: titleContent...). To do so, you must be resident in France or in a country outside the scope of the procedure Studies in France.
Please note
You are not concerned if you are repetitive student (you must re-enroll directly in the institution) or apply for continuing training.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're preparing the bin
In a school
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is complete
- Your national student identifier (INE - composed of 10 digits and 1 letter or 9 digits and 2 letters - or INAA in agricultural high school). If you are studying abroad (outside the foreigner's upper secondary schools), check the box "I don't have an INE".
- Your transcript for the advanced tests of the baccalaureate
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or want to perform a simulation of allocation of higher education scholarship on social criteria.
As a free candidate
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is complete
- Your OCEAN number (10 digit baccalaureate registration number)
- Your transcript for the advanced tests of the baccalaureate
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship on social criteria.
You're already in high school
You are in higher education and you are reorienting yourself
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the process is complete
- Your national student ID (INE - 10 digits and 1 letter or 9 digits and 2 letters)
- Your Bachelor's (or equivalent level diploma) transcript
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship based on social criteria.
You're back in school
To register, you must submit the following:
- Your valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is complete
- Your Bachelor's (or equivalent level diploma) transcript
The tax notice of your parents or guardians is sometimes necessary. This is the case if you request a preparatory class from the colleges with boarding school or if you want to perform a simulation of the allocation of scholarship on social criteria.
At the time of registration, check the box "I do not have an INE".
You don't have the bin and don't prepare it
You must use Browse to enroll in a selective non-university course. You must also use Browse to enroll in a selective university course, if you reside in France or in a country not subject to the procedure Studies in France.
To register, you must submit the following:
- A valid email address to keep up to date until the procedure is completed
- Information about your education and your high school leaving diploma (school certificate, school report cards...)
At the time of registration, check the box "I do not have an INE".
Offered training
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You've got the bin or you're preparing it
You can make greetings in the following courses:
- Non-selective training: Bachelor's degree, specific pathways to health (PASS), preparatory pathways to the professorate of schools (PPPE)
- Selective training: CPGE: titleContent ,BTS: titleContent, AIM: titleContent, DNMADE: titleContent, DCG: titleContent, schools of architecture, engineering, business and management, IFSI (nursing training institutes) and other paramedical training, EFTS (social work training establishments), institutes of political studies, French national veterinary schools (ENV), training in the professions of culture, animation and sport, training of the Navy, the Army.
You don't have the bin and don't prepare it
You can make vows in the trainings non-academic selectives : CPGE: titleContent ,BTS: titleContent, DNMADE: titleContent, DCG: titleContent, schools of engineering, business and management, institutes of political studies...
If you reside in France or in a country not subject to the procedure Studies in France, you can also make vows in the training university selectives : AIM: titleContent,DEUST: titleContent, FROM: titleContent, internal engineering schools at universities...
certain establishments are not in Browse. In this case, contact the relevant institution directly to find out about the admission procedures.
December 20, 2023 : opening of the platform. You can view the available training.
From 17 January to 14 March 2024, you can register and enter your wishes on the platform:
- Registering and creating folder: you must enter a valid and regularly consulted email address. You can download the app Browse on your mobile phone. You are given a file number and you choose your password. Keep them.
- View the characteristics of each course using a search engine.
- Entering greetings: you must enter up to 10 wishes without filing them.
Access your higher education registration form
for training in learning, you can submit your wishes after March 14, 2024. Please note that applications for apprenticeships on the Coursesup are not accessible to newcomer applicants.
Some training courses are grouped into " multiple vows ”. They allow you to choose the desired course(s) from a set of courses that are grouped by type, specialty or mention.
A multiple wish is made up of several sub-wishes: each of them corresponds to a training in a given establishment. Within a multiple wish, you can select one or more formations without ordering them.
The multiple wish counts for 1 wish only. In total, you can formulate up to 20 sub-wishes (excluding 1re common year for health studies in Île-de-France and engineering and business schools).
You can send greetings throughout the territory.
Until March 14, you can delete a wish that you have not yet confirmed.
if you need a visa to study in France and that you do not have or are not preparing the baccalaureate or an equivalent diploma, the number of wishes in some formations may be limited.
You can say as much as you like 3 wishes (1 wish = 1 institution) for each of these training categories: BTS: titleContent , DCG: titleContent, Upgrade in Hospitality (MANH), Diploma of Professional Specialization (DSP), Complementary Training of Local Initiative (CFLI), University Diploma labeled PAREO (DU PAREO), Certificate of Specialization (formerly Additional mention).
Before confirming the wishes, you will have to express your preference in a dedicated section. The commission for access to higher education will then be able to find you a course if none of your wishes is accepted.
a student with a disability or a debilitating health condition can enter their situation in the section Elements related to my schooling. The higher education institution will then be able to set up a pedagogical support system or a personalized training course.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You made your vows before March 14, 2024
- The 2nde class council examines your wishes.
- Each wish is the subject of a Future Fact Sheet including for each material, your average of the two 1ers quarter or 1er semester of the final year, an assessment of the teachers on your results, progress noted and aptitude for schooling in the requested training and finally the opinion of the head of school. They are then transmitted to higher education institutions electronically.
As of March 10th, you will have access to the elements of your card as you go along.
From 1er June, you can read your entire Future page. - Finalization of the file accompanied by the requested documents.
- Mandatory confirmation of each wish until April 3, 2024.
You didn't make your vows in time
You can no longer wish for higher education training in Browse.
for training apprenticeship, you can submit your wishes after March 14, 2024.
From April 4 until May 21, 2024 : institutions offering training courses registered on the platform Browse examine the wishes expressed.
If you change your home, you must declare it on Browse.
in making their choice, institutions may, with your agreement, take into account your participation in the cords of success.
May 30 to July 11, 2024 : you receive proposals for admission and give your answers.
The proposals you receive may differ depending on whether you are applying for selective training or not.
Receipt of proposals
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Non-selective training
Where the number of greetings received is less than the number of places available, the institution may reply:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Ou yes if (offer of admission): the establishment conditions your registration to your acceptance to follow a personalized training course (refresher course, adapted curriculum...).
Where the number of vows received exceeds the number of places available in an establishment, the establishment may reply to:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Ou yes if (proposal for admission),
- Or waiting for a seat.
Selective training
The hotel can answer:
- Yes (proposal for admission),
- Or waiting for a place,
- Or no.
If you wish everything in selective courses and receive only negative answers, a higher education access committee will study your case and make proposals.
you will be offered an apprenticeship training if you are retained in the training and have signed an apprenticeship contract with an employer. As soon as you have a signed contract, you must submit it to the training institution before a proposal can be made.
Acceptance of proposals
As you receive proposals, you must respond within a time frame. The response time depends on when you received the proposal.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Reception on 30 or 31 May
You must respond to the proposal on June 2 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
Reception on June 1st
You must respond to the proposal on June 3 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
Reception between 2 June and 10 July
You have 1 day to respond to the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on June 10, you can respond until June 11 at 11:59 p.m.
If you pass the baccalaureate and receive an admission proposal between 16 and 22 june, you must respond on June 23 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
If you receive only one offer of admission, you can accept or waive it.
If you receive several proposals for admission, you can accept one proposal and forego the others.
If you want to keep your wishes waiting, you must prioritize them and validate your choice within a specific time frame. You must do so within 3 days of the deadline for responding to the proposal.
If you only receive pending responses, you must wait for a space to become available.
If you only receive negative answers, the Commission for Access to Higher Education will make proposals to you.
You cannot accept a proposal during the baccalaureate exams.
June 11 to September 10, 2024: Greetings Tabled
If you have not received a positive admission response at a higher institution to which you have applied, you have an additional phase.
From June 11 to September 10, 2024, you can make new wishes for training with vacancies.
Please note
candidates who did not participate in the main phase of the national pre-registration procedure and who wish to express their wishes in the supplementary phase may register at Browse until the end of july 2024.
After the bin results, the commission d'accès à l'éducation supérieure studies your priority training wishes and makes training proposals to you as closely as possible to your initial choices.
Until September 12, 2024: Response to proposals
Institutions will review the greetings and submit their proposals to applicants until September 12, 2024.
As you receive proposals, you must respond within a certain time frame. The response time depends on when you received the proposal.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Reception between 11 June and 23 August
You have 1 day to respond to the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on August 13, you can respond until August 14 at 11:59 p.m.
Reception between 24 August and 12 September
You have to answer same day where you receive the proposal. For example, if you receive the proposal on August 28, you can respond until August 28 at 11:59 p.m.
once you are admitted to training, you must proceed to administrative registration in this training.
General organization of higher education
Course of higher education
Hyphenation period
Enrollment in the 1st cycle
Access to higher education (general provisions)
Main stage of the national pre-registration procedure
Complementary phase of the national pre-registration procedure
Statement by the Rector of the Academy (common provisions)
Procedure for the proposal of admission by the Academic Committee
Review procedure for persons in exceptional circumstances
Registration of students at university (common provisions)
Online service
Online service
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation