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Voluntary loss of French nationality
Verified 28 February 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Do you have a foreign nationality and want to renounce French nationality? It's done by declaration or by order in council. We tell you how to apply according to your situation.
What applies to you ?

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By declaration
You must make a declaration of loss of French nationality if you are in one of the following situations.
If you have voluntarily acquired a foreign nationality, you can make a declaration of loss of French nationality.
1- Check the conditions to be fulfilled
You must meet the following conditions:
- Being of age
- Usually residing abroad
2- Check the deadline for making the declaration of loss of French nationality
You can make the declaration from the lodging of the application for acquisition of foreign nationality, and at the latest, within one year after the date of such acquisition.
3- Make the file of declaration of loss of French nationality
Documents to be provided
The indicative list of the documents is as follows:
- Application for loss of French nationality on free paper. The application must include your name, first name, date and place of birth. It is useful to specify your address, phone number and email address. The graft draw up the declaration of loss of French nationality, in 2 copies, which you must date and sign.
- Birth certificate
- Official identity document
- Recent photo ID
- Any documents proving that you are a French national (certificate of French nationality or court order recognizing French nationality or magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or declaration of French nationality or civil status documents)
- Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of which you acquired citizenship, stating the date of acquisition and the provisions of the applicable foreign law or any documents of the competent foreign authorities attesting to the lodging of your application for acquisition of the nationality of that country
- All documents justifying your habitual residence abroad.
Please note
Depending on your situation, the instructor department may ask you for additional documents and gives you a time limit to provide them. One receipt is addressed to you when your file is complete.
Instructions on the documents to be provided
Civil status record
One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.
A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.
A copy of a foreigner civil status document must be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in execution of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
Copy or original of a document
You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.
However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.
A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.
You must provide the original translation.
The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.
However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.
In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached. See the e-justice site for more information.
Legalization or Apostille
Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.
Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.
Who shall I contact
4- Send the declaration of loss of French nationality
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In France
You must go to the court or the court near your home.
You can submit your file or send it by mail.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the French consular or diplomatic authorities.
Who shall I contact
5- If the declaration is accepted, keep 1 copy with the words "registered"
If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of loss of french nationality is recorded (accepted).
The loss of French nationality shall take effect on the date of acquisition of the other nationality.
A copy of the statement is sent to you with the mention of registration.
You must preserve this document proves the loss of French nationality.
Check the declaration for report a possible error :
- If there is an error in the information on the declaration, please send a letter to the Ministry of the Interior.
- In case of error on the civil status document (birth and/or marriage), send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Central Civil Registry Service (Scec)
Attention: the Central Civil Registry Service does not welcome any public.
Civil status (birth, marriage or death) of a Frenchman abroad
Only by mail to:
Central Civil Registry Service
11 White House Street
44941 Nantes Cedex 09
You can apply for a civil status certificate through a online service.
For more information, you can:
- Go to diplomatie.gouv.fr
- Call the+33 1 41 86 42 47 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm
Free access to video interpretation or instant speech transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing - Email courrier.scec@diplomatie.gouv.fr
6- If the declaration is refused, make a possible appeal
The court of justice will notify its decision reasoned Refusal.
You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification.
The notification shall indicate how to appeal.
The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.
Who shall I contact
1- Check the conditions to be fulfilled
You can make a declaration of loss of French nationality if you are foreign born and if only one of your parents is french.
The declaration may be made from 17 years of age 1/2 and up to the age of 19 yrs.
you may not lose your citizenship by declaration if your foreigner parent became a Frenchman during your minority.
2- Make the file of declaration of loss of French nationality
Documents to be provided
The indicative list of the documents is as follows:
- Application for loss of French nationality on free paper. The application must include your name, first name, date and place of birth. It is useful to specify your address, phone number and email address. The graft draw up the declaration of loss of French nationality, in 2 copies, which you must date and sign.
- Birth certificate
- Official identity document
- Recent photo ID
- Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of which you claim to be a citizen, proving that you have, by filiation, the nationality of that country
- All documents of the administration in charge of the national service establishing that you have not contracted a commitment in the French armies
- All documents proving that you are a French national and establishing that only one of your parents is a French national (certificate of French nationality or court order recognizing French nationality or magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or declaration of French nationality or civil status documents)
- Any evidence that your foreigners or stateless parent did not acquire French nationality during your minority
- If necessary, a medical certificate stating that you are prevented from expressing your will, any documents proving that your legal representatives exercise parental authority over you and their official identity document.
Please note
Depending on your situation, the instructor department may ask you for additional documents and gives you a time limit to provide them. One receipt is addressed to you when your file is complete.
Instructions on the documents to be provided
Civil status record
One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.
A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.
A copy of a foreigner civil status document must be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in execution of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
Copy or original of a document
You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.
However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.
A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.
You must provide the original translation.
The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.
However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.
In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached. See the e-justice site for more information.
Legalization or Apostille
Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.
Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.
Who shall I contact
3- Send the declaration of loss of French nationality
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In France
You must go to the court or the court near your home.
You can submit your file or send it by mail.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the French consular or diplomatic authorities.
Who shall I contact
4- If the declaration is accepted, keep 1 copy with the words "registered"
If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of loss of french nationality is recorded (accepted).
Loss of French nationality takes effect to the date of its subscription.
A copy of the statement is sent to you with the mention of registration.
You must preserve this document proves the loss of French nationality.
Check the declaration for report a possible error :
- If there is an error in the information on the declaration, please send a letter to the Ministry of the Interior.
- In case of error on the civil status document (birth and/or marriage), send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Central Civil Registry Service (Scec)
Attention: the Central Civil Registry Service does not welcome any public.
Civil status (birth, marriage or death) of a Frenchman abroad
Only by mail to:
Central Civil Registry Service
11 White House Street
44941 Nantes Cedex 09
You can apply for a civil status certificate through a online service.
For more information, you can:
- Go to diplomatie.gouv.fr
- Call the+33 1 41 86 42 47 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm
Free access to video interpretation or instant speech transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing - Email courrier.scec@diplomatie.gouv.fr
5- If the declaration is refused, make a possible appeal
The court of justice will notify its decision reasoned Refusal.
You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification.
The notification shall indicate how to appeal.
The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.
Who shall I contact
1- Check the conditions to be provided
You can make a declaration of loss of French nationality if you are born in France and only one of your parents was born in France.
The declaration may be made from 17 and a half years and up to the age of 19 yrs.
you may not lose your citizenship by declaration if your foreigner parent became a Frenchman during your minority.
2- Make the file of declaration of loss of French nationality
Documents to be provided
The indicative list of the documents is as follows:
- Application for loss of French nationality on free paper. The application must include your name, first name, date and place of birth. It is useful to specify your address, phone number and email address. The graft draw up the declaration of loss of French nationality, in 2 copies, which you must date and sign.
- Birth certificate
- Official identity document
- Recent photo ID
- Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of which you claim to be a citizen, proving that you are by filiation a national of that country
- All documents of the administration in charge of the national service establishing that you have not contracted a commitment in the French armies
- All documents proving that you were born in France and that only one of your parents was born there (certificate of French nationality or court order recognizing French nationality or magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or declaration of French nationality or civil status documents)
- All documents justifying that one of your parents did not acquire French nationality during your minority
- If necessary, a medical certificate stating that you are prevented from expressing your will, any documents proving that your legal representatives exercise parental authority over you and their official identity document.
Please note
Depending on your situation, the instructor department may ask you for additional documents and gives you a time limit to provide them. One receipt is addressed to you when your file is complete.
Instructions on the documents to be provided
Civil status record
One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.
A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.
A copy of a foreigner civil status document must be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in execution of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
Copy or original of a document
You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.
However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.
A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.
You must provide the original translation.
The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.
However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.
In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached. See the e-justice site for more information.
Legalization or Apostille
Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.
Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.
Who shall I contact
3- Send the declaration of loss of French nationality
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In France
You must go to the court or the court near your home.
You can submit your file or send it by mail.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the French consular or diplomatic authorities.
Who shall I contact
4- If the declaration is accepted, keep 1 copy with the words "registered"
If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of loss of french nationality is recorded (accepted).
Declaration of loss of French nationality takes effect to the date of its subscription.
A copy of the statement is sent to you with the mention of registration.
You must preserve this document proves the loss of French nationality.
Check the declaration for report a possible error :
- If there is an error in the information on the declaration, please send a letter to the Ministry of the Interior.
- In case of error on the civil status document (birth and/or marriage), send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Central Civil Registry Service (Scec)
Attention: the Central Civil Registry Service does not welcome any public.
Civil status (birth, marriage or death) of a Frenchman abroad
Only by mail to:
Central Civil Registry Service
11 White House Street
44941 Nantes Cedex 09
You can apply for a civil status certificate through a online service.
For more information, you can:
- Go to diplomatie.gouv.fr
- Call the+33 1 41 86 42 47 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm
Free access to video interpretation or instant speech transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing - Email courrier.scec@diplomatie.gouv.fr
5- If the declaration is refused, make a possible appeal
The court of justice will notify its decision reasoned Refusal.
You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification.
The notification shall indicate how to appeal.
The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.
Who shall I contact
1- Check the conditions to be fulfilled
You can make a declaration of loss of French nationality if you are foreign born and are now French following acquisition of French nationality by one of your parents.
The declaration may be made from 17 and a half years and up to the age of 19 yrs.
you may not lose your citizenship by declaration if your foreigner parent became a Frenchman during your minority.
2- Make the file of declaration of loss of French nationality
Documents to be provided
The indicative list of the documents is as follows:
- Application for loss of French nationality on free paper. The application must include your name, first name, date and place of birth. It is useful to specify your address, phone number and email address. The graft draw up the declaration of loss of French nationality, in 2 copies, which you must date and sign.
- Birth certificate
- Official identity document
- Recent photo ID
- Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of which you claim to be a national of that country
- Any documents proving that you are French (certificate of French nationality or court order recognizing French nationality or magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or declaration of French nationality or civil status documents)
- If necessary, a medical certificate stating that you are prevented from expressing your will, any documents proving that your legal representatives exercise parental authority over you and their official identity document.
Please note
Depending on your situation, the instructor department may ask you for additional documents and gives you a time limit to provide them. One receipt is addressed to you when your file is complete.
Instructions on the documents to be provided
Civil status record
One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.
A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.
A copy of a foreigner civil status document must be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in execution of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
Copy or original of a document
You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.
However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.
A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.
You must provide the original translation.
The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.
However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.
In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached. See the e-justice site for more information.
Legalization or Apostille
Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.
Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.
Who shall I contact
3- Send the declaration of loss of French nationality
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In France
You must go to the court or the court near your home.
You can submit your file or send it by mail.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the French consular or diplomatic authorities.
Who shall I contact
4- If the declaration is accepted, keep 1 copy with the words "registered"
If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of loss of french nationality is recorded (accepted).
The loss of French nationality shall take effect on the date of your return.
A copy of the statement is sent to you with the mention of registration.
You must preserve this document proves the loss of French nationality.
Check the declaration for report a possible error :
- If there is an error in the information on the declaration, please send a letter to the Ministry of the Interior.
- In case of error on the civil status document (birth and/or marriage), send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Central Civil Registry Service (Scec)
Attention: the Central Civil Registry Service does not welcome any public.
Civil status (birth, marriage or death) of a Frenchman abroad
Only by mail to:
Central Civil Registry Service
11 White House Street
44941 Nantes Cedex 09
You can apply for a civil status certificate through a online service.
For more information, you can:
- Go to diplomatie.gouv.fr
- Call the+33 1 41 86 42 47 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm
Free access to video interpretation or instant speech transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing - Email courrier.scec@diplomatie.gouv.fr
5- If the declaration is refused, make a possible appeal
The court of justice will notify its decision reasoned Refusal.
You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification.
The notification shall indicate how to appeal.
The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.
Who shall I contact
1- Check the conditions to be fulfilled
You can make a declaration of loss of French nationality if you are married to a foreigner ;
You must meet the following conditions:
- You must have acquired the nationality of your spouse
- You and your spouse must live abroad
You don't have a deadline to make the declaration.
However, you must to make the declaration during marriage.
Please note
your declaration of loss of french nationality has no effect on your children.
2- Make the file of declaration of loss of French nationality
Documents to be provided
The indicative list of the documents is as follows:
- Application for loss of French nationality on free paper. The application must include your name, first name, date and place of birth. It is useful to specify your address, phone number and email address. The graft draw up the declaration of loss of French nationality, in 2 copies, which you must date and sign.
- Birth certificate
- Official identity document
- Recent photo ID
- Any documents proving that you are French (certificate of French nationality or court order recognizing French nationality or magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or declaration of French nationality or civil status documents)
- Marriage certificate with your foreigner spouse
- Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of nationality of your spouse, stating that you have acquired the nationality of that country, specifying the date of acquisition and the applicable provisions of the foreign law
- All documents proving that you and your spouse have established your habitual residence abroad
- If you are under 35 years of age, certificate of participation in the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) or exemption certificate.
Please note
Depending on your situation, the instructor department may ask you for additional documents and gives you a time limit to provide them. One receipt is addressed to you when your file is complete.
Instructions on the documents to be provided
Civil status record
One civil status document must be supplied in full and in original in the language of the country of origin.
A French civil status certificate must have been issued less than 3 months ago.
A copy of a foreigner civil status document must be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in execution of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
Copy or original of a document
You can provide copies of the requested documents except for civil status records.
However, you should be able to present the originals of the documents if necessary.
A copy of a foreigner act shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a copy of the decision in implementation of which it has been drawn up, rectified or amended.
You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.
You must provide the original translation.
The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.
However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.
In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached. See the e-justice site for more information.
Legalization or Apostille
Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.
Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.
Who shall I contact
3- Send the declaration of loss of French nationality
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In France
You must go to the court or the court near your home.
You can submit your file or send it by mail.
Who shall I contact
You must contact the French consular or diplomatic authorities.
Who shall I contact
4- If the declaration is accepted, keep 1 copy with the words "registered"
If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of loss of french nationality is recorded (accepted).
The loss of French nationality shall take effect on the date of your return.
A copy of the statement is sent to you with the mention of registration.
You must preserve this document proves the loss of French nationality.
Check the declaration for report a possible error :
- If there is an error in the information on the declaration, please send a letter to the Ministry of the Interior.
- In case of error on the civil status document (birth and/or marriage), send a letter to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Central Civil Registry Service (Scec)
Attention: the Central Civil Registry Service does not welcome any public.
Civil status (birth, marriage or death) of a Frenchman abroad
Only by mail to:
Central Civil Registry Service
11 White House Street
44941 Nantes Cedex 09
You can apply for a civil status certificate through a online service.
For more information, you can:
- Go to diplomatie.gouv.fr
- Call the+33 1 41 86 42 47 Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm
Free access to video interpretation or instant speech transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing - Email courrier.scec@diplomatie.gouv.fr
5- If the declaration is refused, make a possible appeal
The court of justice will notify its decision reasoned Refusal.
You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification.
The notification shall indicate how to appeal.
The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.
Who shall I contact
By Order in Council
If you do not meet the conditions to make a declaration of loss of French nationality, you can request permission to lose it by decree (procedure called liberation of bonds of allegiance to France).
Step-by-step approach
You can apply for permission to lose French nationality if you meet the following conditions:
- Proof of your French nationality
- Proof of a foreign nationality at the date of your application
- Have the legal capacity
This procedure is called liberation of bonds of allegiance to France.
If you are under the age of 16, you must be represented by your legal representative.
You must build a folder with the following documents:
- Application Form cerfa no. 16098, completed, dated and signed
- Copy of ID
- Certificate of French nationality or any document indicating that you are French
- Full copy of your birth certificate
- Proof of your foreign nationality
- Proof of residence
- If necessary, proof of payment of taxes (tax status report)
The request for the release of bonds of allegiance is individual.
It is necessary to provide one form per minor child.
If the child is 13 years or older, he must indicate his agreement on the form.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You live in France
You have to go to the platform for access to French nationality, which depends on where you live.
According to the platforms, the file must be deposited at the counter or sent by post in RAR: titleContent.
Click the interactive map to find out what you need to do.
Please note
if your request is to be sent by mail, add a stamped envelope to your file at your address and a blank 500-gram "followed" letter.
Who shall I contact
You live abroad
You must contact the consular authority on which you are territorially dependent.
Who shall I contact
If the liberation of ties of allegiance is granted, the measure shall be taken by decree published in Official Journal.
One magnification of the decree is addressed to you.
The loss of French nationality takes effect on the date of the order.
The decision is strictly personal : it has no effect on your family members.
The loss of NF does not affect your status as a Frenchman for the years prior to the decision taking effect.
The decision to refuse is yours notified.
It must be reasoned.
You can make a administrative appeal to the minister responsible for naturalization and/or judicial remedy before the administrative court of Nantes.
Who shall I contact
Ministry of the Interior - Naturalization
By mail
Ministry of the Interior
Directorate-General for foreigners in France
Directorate for Integration and Access to Nationality
Sub-Directorate for Access to French Nationality
12 Francis-le-Carval Street
By email
Repudiation of French nationality of origin (Article 18(1))
Repudiation of French nationality of origin (Article 19(4))
French nationality of origin
Renunciation of French nationality acquired for the benefit of collective effect (Article 22(3))
Loss of French nationality by voluntary acquisition of another nationality (Article 23), application for authorization to lose NF (Article 23-4), repudiation of NF following marriage to a foreigner (Article 23-5)
Declarations of nationality
Application for authorization to lose the status of French (Articles 53 & 54)