Carte grise What recourse if a request for
Verified 21 January 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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Carte grise You have not received the
Carte grise In general, you will be given the medicine at home under secure fold within 7 working days who follow your request on the online service or with the authorized professional.
If, at the time of the request, the online service carte grise has indicated that your file needs to be studied and that you will be contacted by email, the manufacturing of the following step is launched. The time for receipt will therefore be longer.
You can follow the progress of your file using the online service of the National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS):
Carte grise Follow your request to
If you don't get information through the online service, contact the ANT with their online contact form.
Who shall I contact
Carte grise National Securities Agency (NSA) -
By E-mail
Access to online form
- Carte grise It is not possible to speed up the production of a Applications are processed chronologically by a computer system. Outside intervention is impossible.
- Once the production of the title is launched, it cannot be stopped. You can't cancel the application either.
Carte grise You have been denied delivery of the
If you wish to challenge the refusal decision, you must make an ex gratia appeal using the following online service:
Carte grise Make an ex gratia appeal following refusal to issue a
You must identify yourself via France Connect.
Then, if you are not satisfied with the answer, you must contact the Ministry of the Interior by post.