Automated fingerprint file (FAED)

Verified 09 September 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The Faed: titleContent keeps fingerprints (fingers) and palms (palms) to facilitate in particular the search and identification of the authors of crimes and offenses. The maximum period of storage of the recorded data shall be 25 years. Only authorized civil servants and military personnel have the right to consult the EDF. A person whose data are recorded may request their communication, rectification and erasure.

The Faed: titleContent is used to:

  • Facilitate the search and identification of authors of crimes and offenses
  • Facilitate the prosecution, investigation and trial of cases related to crimes and offenses
  • Facilitating the search for missing persons in worrying or suspicious circumstances
  • Facilitate the identification of persons who have died or been found seriously injured and whose identity is unknown
  • Verifying the identity of a person detained after an arrest for a identity check or residence permit

In this context, the fingerprints of the following persons may be recorded:

  • Person involved in proceedings related to a crime or offense
  • Person who died or was found seriously injured and whose identity is unknown

The main data recorded in the Faed: titleContent are:

  • Fingerprints and palms (fingers and palms)
  • Sex of the person
  • Surname, forenames, date and place of birth and parentage if the person is identified
  • Service that requested registration at Faed: titleContent
  • Nature of the case and reference of the proceedings

Only authorized officials and military personnel assigned to the following services shall have the right to consult the Faed: titleContent :

  • Forensic services of the National Police
  • Central Criminal Intelligence Service of the National Gendarmerie
  • National Gendarmerie Research Units
  • Agent of a body for international cooperation concerning the judicial police under the conditions laid down in international treaties
  • Agent of a police or judicial service of a State foreigner under the conditions laid down in international treaties

The data recorded in the Faed: titleContent shall be retained 25 years at the most.

Shelf life varies according to the following criteria:

  • Seriousness of the offense
  • Age of the person (adult or minor)
  • National or international character of the procedure

You must write to the National Forensic Service. Attach a copy of an ID.

Who shall I contact

In case of refusal or failure to reply within 2 months, you can send a request to the Cnil: titleContent.

Police, gendarmerie and intelligence files: send a request to the Council

To request the communication of your data and/or their rectification, you must write to the national forensic service.

Who shall I contact

In case of refusal or failure to reply within 2 months, you can send a request to the Cnil: titleContent.

Police, gendarmerie and intelligence files: send a request to the Council

You can request the erasure of your data from the Faed: titleContent before the end of the shelf life.

You must apply to the public prosecutor of the jurisdiction in which you have been implicated or of your domicile.

The request is made by letter RAR: titleContent or by declaration to the graft.

Who shall I contact

In the absence of a reply within 3 months or if you refuse, you can appeal to the liberty and detention judge.

The appeal shall be made by post RAR: titleContent or declaration to graft.

You must make this appeal within 10 days from the end of the 3-month period.

Who shall I contact

In the absence of a reply within 2 months or if you refuse, you can appeal to the president of the investigating chamber of the court of appeal.

The appeal shall be made by post RAR: titleContent or declaration to graft.

You must make this appeal within 10 days from the end of the 2-month period.

Who shall I contact

The presiding judge shall accept or refuse your request within a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request.

You are notified of the decision by mail RAR: titleContent.

In case of refusal, you can appeal by a appeal in cassation only if the decision does not comply with certain formal conditions.

Who shall I contact