Are premiums taken into account for the retirement of public officials?
Verified 23 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Yes, your premiums are taken into account for retirement. However, they are taken into account differently depending on who you are civil servant or contractual.
Your premiums are taken into account only for your retirement complementary.
As a civil servant, you receive 2 retirement pensions:
- One basic pension of the SRE: titleContent if you are a State or CNRACL: titleContent if you are a territorial or hospital official
- And one supplementary pension of the arrangements for Additional Public Service Pension (PSPR).
Your premiums are used as the basis for PFRA contributions in the limit of 20% the amount of your index treatment.
Example :
If your raw index treatment is €21,600 per year (€1,800 per month) and the amount of your €5,400 gross per year (€450 per month), you only contribute to the PFRA on €4,320 per year (€360 per month), i.e 20% of €21,600.
Differential amount of premiums (€5,400 - €4,320 = €1,080) does not give rise to any contributions and is not taken into account for retirement.
The RAFP is a point pension scheme, i.e. your contributions are converted in retirement points.
When you retire, these pension points are converted into a pension amount.
Your contributions to the SRE: titleContent or to the CNRACL: titleContent are calculated based on your index treatment and your new index enhancement (NBI) if you are receiving this top-up.
Your pension is calculated on the basis of the index salary received for at least 6 months before departure in retreat. And NBI claim periods qualify for a pension supplement.
You contribute to Social Security Pension Insurance (as a private sector employee) on all elements of your compensation. It's your basic pension.
So your bonuses are taken into account in the calculation of the remuneration used as a basis for calculating your contributions.
And when you retire, your retirement pension is calculated on the basis of the average gross wages of the most advantageous 25 years of your career.
To determine the highest annual gross wages, all compensation elements are taken into account.
You also contribute to the company's supplementary pensionIrcantec: titleContent. Again, all the elements that make up your remuneration are taken into account to determine your contribution base.
The Ircantec is a point pension scheme, i.e. your contributions are converted in retirement points.
When you retire, these pension points are converted into a pension amount.
Thus, your premiums are taken into account for the calculation of your basic retirement from the Social Security Pension Insurance and for the calculation of your supplementary retirement from Ircantec.
Retirement Info
State Pension Service (SRE) - Ministry of Public Finance
National Pension Fund for Local Government Officials (CNRACL)
Additional Public Service Pension Institution (PSPRA)
National old-age insurance fund
Supplementary pension institution for non-permanent officials of the State and public authorities (Ircantec)