Can the Apa or PCH be used to pay an employee or family caregiver? - You touch the Apa

Verified 01 février 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your situation

  • You are receiving Custom Autonomy Allowance (Apa)

L'Apa: titleContent can be used to pay home help or pay a service provider.

You can pay any person as a home care worker, unless that person is person you live with as a couple.

This person will then be employed as a home care worker and you become an individual employer.

Your steps to declare salaries to the Urssaf must be done through the Declarative Cesu.

You can also pay a fee with the Apa service provider an approved home care worker (an association or company of personal services).

In this case you pay an invoice to the supplier.

You are not an employer.

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